Norn Iron

having just returned from a wee break come holiday in Ulster i'd just like to say how much we enjoyed the place and the people.

i don't think Rik will mind if i mention that i was a bit apprehensive about travelling over when the marching was going on, and as it happens we decided to wait and go after the 12th was over and done with.

we followed the coast road up to Ballycastle and did the Causeway and that feckin rope bridge as the wife called it :lol:
it's a lot more scary once your on it :eek:

travelled about some more and we we're never made to feel anything but welcome
great scenery and good craic all round
the Guiness does taste different in SOME pubs but in others it's just the same as here.
Harp and Pear Magners got the most sampling

will be visiting the south as well, probably for Scotland's doomed visit during the 6 nations :cry:

by the way you'll never meet a poor flag-maker in Ulster, they must all be minted :lol:
Glad you enjoyed it Hando.

The bridge never scared me as much as the island did before they put up all the safety fences to stop people sliding off it and into the sea. North coast is a gorgeous place, my folks have a holiday home in Portballantrae.

DId you get to Bushmills Distillery?
didn't make it to the distillery, we've went to the Oban one a few years ago though, and i'm not much of a water of life man myself :roll:

actually had a proper surf 'n turf for tea as well - fillet steak + 1/2 a lobster on top :eek:

finished off the holiday in Newcastle as i wanted to go to the Mournes, nice area but as you'll know Newcastle and Portrush are pretty similar, miniature Blackpool's with the wee neds that go with it, but that's everywhere these days

didn't spoil it though

also went to a Highland games day out at Glenarm Castle which was good 'n aw
hando said:
finished off the holiday in Newcastle as i wanted to go to the Mournes, nice area but as you'll know Newcastle and Portrush are pretty similar, miniature Blackpool's with the wee neds that go with it, but that's everywhere these days

No neds when you go striding up Slieve Donard though which is just a stretch-of-the-legs from Newcastle.

Love bringing NI banknotes back too - mostly to annoy mainland shopkeepers :D
I have never been to Ireland at all. I keep meaning to visit but it is so close to us that I think it woulld feel too much like home :)

I really want to go for a driving holiday on Ireland both North and South, with and Aston Martin of course.
Audiolab said:
I have never been to Ireland at all. I keep meaning to visit but it is so close to us that I think it woulld feel too much like home :)

Nah, their sectarianism is basically under control :lol:

It's strange on your first trip - lots of things are familiar, but at the same time different enough to make you notice (like the first time I drove out of Larne noticing that all the kerbstones were painted red, white & blue and passing under a monument to King Billy...).

Then when you get "south of the Border" it goes completely odd, but still feels quite familiar. As you leave Belfast headed towards Dublin there's a sign "Dublin 104" - when you get to the border (must be 35 miles or so) there's a sign "Dublin 103" :eek: :D
hunnymonster said:
Nah, their sectarianism is basically under control :lol:

It's strange on your first trip - lots of things are familiar, but at the same time different enough to make you notice (like the first time I drove out of Larne noticing that all the kerbstones were painted red, white & blue and passing under a monument to King Billy...).

We only keep the sectarianism going cos tourists like it. :lol:
Bloke walking up the Ormeau Road in Belfast, guy in a balaclava with a kalashnikov jumps in front of him and demands "What religion are you!!!! Tell me now!!!"

Thinking quickly the bloke replies "Ehhh, I am Jewish"

Guy in balaclava says "Allah be praised! I must be the luckiest man in Al-Quaida!"
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