Nice shave combination

chicken neck said:
Also, what does the witch hazel / toner do that the alum doesn't? Do you need to use both?

You don't need to use both, you probably don't NEED to either to be honest, it is a preference. To me the Toner is different to Alum but I am not sure chemically what the differences are, if you asked a woman about skin care the mantra is usually cleanse tone and moisturise. The soap from shaving is effectively a cleanse and the alum is a sort of toner but there is an overlap between the Alum block and a liquid toner, to a large extent they are doing a very similar job.

I just like the cooling ingredients added to Thayers, they seem to work well for me.
My folks are off to stay with my sister in the States next week for three weeks - I'm creating a wee wants-list for them including a big bottle of Thayers and a few Pinaud Clubman products. :D
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