New to The Shaving Room

Hi everyone
My name is Bernie from Middlesbrough just found this site already registered on the Straight razor place. Getting lots of info on straight razor shaving. Just returned to DE safety before xmas all cartridges are now dead after learning how to shave properly watching Geofatboy on shavenation. All them years with disposables and foaming goo, shavings now a pleasure proper razors brush and good soap etc not a chore anymore recently aqiured some straights got them shave ready this will be a long learning curve. Think shaving might be coming and obsession! Never ever realised in a million years what a fascinating subject proper shaving is.

Best regards

Welcome Bernie

There are worse things to be obsessed about! We have a lot of laughs here and most of us are well and truly hooked. And there are plenty of straight razor enthusiasts here too.

Enjoy the forum.
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