New SE razor - Rocnel

lovely looking razor , but the price is either a mistake or a promotion .
The website states they can make 3 a week thats a whole $75 in a country with living costs roughly half of the UK .
Compared to the cost of their other Razor at $295 surely its meant to be $250.
Another thought is the $25 just a deposit ?
lovely looking razor , but the price is either a mistake or a promotion .
The website states they can make 3 a week thats a whole $75 in a country with living costs roughly half of the UK .
Compared to the cost of their other Razor at $295 surely its meant to be $250.
Another thought is the $25 just a deposit ?
I believe the 3 razors a week is for the expensive razor...
It may not work out that impractical or expensive to produce. The machining looks uncomplicated and only on the top, front, back & bottom faces - the sides are plain (bar some etching). They could complete the machining work a single long steel bar at a time, before slicing it up into individual heads.

Nice and simple. Me likey.
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Well not my place to question how they run a business (even 3 x $295 a week wouldn't make sense).
So I'm going for one at $25 for a stainless razor its got to be worth a punt , although I won't be going for the stand at $45 .
I wonder if this design principle could be used to make a similar razor but for GEM SE blades?

First, drill a hole right through the head from the side. The hole should be just large enough to fit the spine of a SE blade.

Then cut a slot from the front to meet the hole (like the slot in this head, but straight and just wide enough to fit a SE blade but NOT the spine). This would allow a SE blade to be slid into the side of the head, and there would be no forward or backward movement (more thought needed to prevent it slipping out of the sides though).
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These Guys are using Stainless at a Commercial Scale by the looks of it..A few Scraps of by Product Stainless or otherwise Scrap Pieces will be Pennies to these Guys...I Google mapped their Plant & its Huge Man..There will be plenty of cheap labour over there an All..Just like in China..:eek:

Have you got a link for the google map , I've tried but failing to find their building.
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