New Moderators?!?

Congratulations guys.

I didn't even see the advert.

Surely the only option for a true gentleman, if banned by Pig Cat, would be to step out of the door of the aeroplane without a parachute, as in Where Eagles Dare?

But then I suppose a true gentleman would never put himself in a position where he could be banned.
Pigcat's new avatar;


When do you hold me over the fire and administer a sound thrashing?

I'm such a baaaad boy!

I think they're all jealous 'cos your the new head boy / teachers pet.
Not jealous at all, because now he has to read through all the inane drivel and general f*ckwittery and decide whether to exercise his new-found awesomeness.

Rangers: where did you get that depiction ^^^ of PC's "interview" with Boab for the position?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
IanM said:
Anyone who steps forward to keep this rabble in order deserves, well, sympathy.

I did put my name forward, but giving such responsibility to me would be like feeding a toddler with Sunny Delight for 3 hours, and then letting him loose in Morrisons armed with a machine gun.


^ ^

      • You say that, like it's a bad thing... [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
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