New level of pretentiousness at BandB?

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In the name of Lord F**k... :roll:

It's the f**king sychophants on B&B positively falling over themselves to kiss ass that really gets me.

Get a f**king grip.
I like the can be mean, short tempered and grumpy give the impression of some authority but have no responsibility whatsoever...wait a minute... :shock:
It's the gentlemanly conduct/discourse b******s that gets on my t**s. For Christ's sake it's an internet forum about shaving, not the bloody Royal court. Why do so many of the members there constantly have to pat themselves on the back and reassure themselves that they're acting in a "gentlemanly way"?
When i read the 'more members bit' i was actually expecting to see them instituting a 2 tier forum system.
Serve your time as a junior B&B member on the junior forums , then when you have proved yourself correctly fawning of Joel and the mods you are inducted into the upper echelons of the forum, shown the secret handshake and access to extra gentlemanly forums. (Where i should point out if you are wearing your hat incorrectly on your avatar, or making the incomprehensible error of being discovered reading the forum and drinking brandy from the wrong glass - you are banned for ungentlemanly conduct).

Give em time..

This is still on or around the same level pretentiousness tho.
"Finally, you can rest assured that anyone with the "Steward" tag under their username exemplifies the gentlemanly discourse we strive to attain here."

Boab, Hunny, I think you need to add a puking smiley pretty sharpish. :lol:
Gosh, I guess that's why this is the only forum I'm on. Official greeters ? I can settle for some good humoured insults & a healthy dose of realism.


While on the subject I wonder if anyone can shed any light on the B & B handshake. As I understand it its a way that members of the lodge err I mean forum can identify each other in every day dealings. :mrgreen:
Ha ha ridiculous............. I like the part....

"Stewards are also crucial to effective moderation of the largest shave forum on the planet in that they, because of their focus on one specific part of the site, are the first to notice trends, troubles, and opportunities that they can share with the mod team. (Of course, mods are still keeping a watchful eye and careful ear out, too!)"

Expect "snitching" of the greatest order.

I'd imagine there being more TSR member bannings there now.

P.S. Anyone wanna go comment on the new OS Fresh Lime review? :lol:
I would Andy if the w**kdogs hadn't disabled/deleted my account. I don't even mind that but I didn't get the chance to go out in a profane, ungentlemanly, politically incorrect blaze of f**king glory! :evil:
The funny thing is that they so desperately want to be Old World -- even English -- gentlemen and here we are, the genuine article, mucking around and having a laugh.

They must think we live like extras in Brideshead Revisited or something.

If they really wanted to be gentlemen I recommend watching a Carry On film every day for a month while drinking a pint of decent beer.

Oh and lightening up a bit. ffs!
Bonkers, really quite bonkers and not in a cheeky loveable Geordie footballer gone a little bit 'tonto' way.
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