New Edwin Jagger / Muehle head

A couple of members here and many on B&B seem to be shouting the praises of the new Edwin Jagger / Muehle head. I have been enjoying vintage razors for a while now, but this is peaking my interest. What is SO good about this head?

Also, which is the best handle to match it to? I think (but may be wrong) that all the Muehle handles are hollow and therefore very light (especially when matched with a heavy head). There are several handles on The English Shaving Company, but again it is not entirely clear what the differences are.

Finally, some people seem to be matching the head with an iKon handle. Any idea which one and how you buy it?

Interested in your thoughts gents?
Why pay £16.50 for the head when you can get the complete razor for £20? It's really the same as the Muhle R89, the closed combe brother of the R41. That is a beautifully balanced light razor. The Jagger should be equally good. I really cannot see the point of using another handle before you have given the one designed to go with it a try - worth a punt for the extra £3.50.
indeed, a light handle and heavier head is actually preferrable for a smooth and easy shave. Feels awkward to have the weight in the handle as it is not the handle you're dragging across your face.
For me, the Mühle/Jagger head is perfect: just the right agressiveness but less harsh than a Merkur HD. Feels super smooth and solid; highly recommended.
I am new here on TSR, but not too new to Edwin Jagger razors as the only two razors I own are both EJ. I have the newer MuhleJagger head, which came when purchased a Georgian model a few months ago. I also have the older Merkur head which was standard on my Bulbous Lined model purchased a bit over two years ago. If you have ever shaved with a Merkur HD than perhaps you know how well the old EJ model performed. My understanding was that EJ received HD heads from Merkur and then inspected them for flaws before having them plated and polished to their own high standards. The current heads are of a collaborative design effort between Muhle and EJ and After using both, I can say that there is a noticable improvement over what I thought was a damn fine razor to begin with. Very smooth, moderately aggressive and a really handsome bit of design.
Regarding light handles vs. heavier handles. I took the newer head off of the Georgian and was doubly pleased when I was able to exchange it onto my Bulbous handle. The razor I use weighs a quarter of a pound (113.4 grams) that makes it one of the heaviest DE razors available. It is what I started with so my technique was formed around handling something of this weight. My Georgian handle is synthetic and lighter, but not hollow. The weight is decidedly in the head, but it seems to be offset by the unique shape of its handle. It really is a wonderful shape and I enjoy shaving with it almost as much as I do the heavier handled Bulbous.
The positive things that you have read about Edwin Jagger razors are not at all hype. That the same head is available on razors from Muhle-Pinsel gives you a greater range of choice in handles and that may be a decision based largely on aesthetics. Form following function, you should not be disappointed with the performance of either.
I hope this has been helpful.

You just cost me another £20.

Including postage, this is a really good deal:

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I'm still not sure about the R41. That's why I have ordered what is in effect its closed combe version. I suspect one needs a little longer to adjust technique with the open combe. I have tried it with a Gillette Super Thin (possibly too sharp) and a Derby - not sharp enough. It has a lovely feel and balance so I really want to give it a chance. I suspect as soon as I use the Jagger I might lose my enthusiasm for persisting with the R41. No real point in using both in a rotation. Any tips about the R41 will be appreciated.
Hi Chicken neck,

I have that head on a Harris handle, my reason for purchasing it was for the same reason, heard a lot of praise on the forums. So it was between this and the 38c.

Sorry I can’t give you a comparison as it’s my first DE, but to let you now its quit heavy, the plating is first class ( chrome ) and gives me a comfortable shave with ( Feathers – Gillette 7’o clock yellows ).
I haven't used any other razor since I picked this up,great shave every time.Effortless.It would be interesting to compare it to the closed comb version.
Sorry for the inconvenience. :mrgreen:
If it is any comfort, several EJ faithful have been quoted as saying that just one of these fine razors put an end to their Razor Acquisition Disorder. They are simply the top of the food chain in the opinion of those who have tried many more razors than I. Today's shave was fantastic as it combined my EJ razor, EJ Silvertip brush and Castle Forbes Lavender cream. My only complaint is that I won't be able to shave again today.
Fido said:

Great minds think alike... I was at a meeting today in London and made a trip to St James' Park

I bought the same razor today (DE87) with the only simple difference, mine has DR HARRIS written down the handle.
I paid an extra £1 for that writing - well that and I have it now as opposed to submitting to the Royal Mail.

At the same time I bought some Arlington and Almond soap. Then a walk to Curzon Street for a Rose soap refill.

I mentioned elsewhere that I had tried Super Thin (too sharp) Derby (not sharp enough) and now red personna (perfect) Perhaps I'll give the Thin another try - may have been a technique issue. Several hours later my skin is still so super smooth. Cannot believe I almost gave up on this razor.
Fido said:
Cannot believe I almost gave up on this razor.
No you didn't. :mrgreen:
I tried a few blades before I found that perfect combination also. Some of my early shaves using Derby, and then Bic blades were pretty painful, but I wrote them off to bad technique. Then I moved on through my blade sampler pack and discovered Gillette Platinums, also known as "Swedes".
The rest is history.
My technique continues to improve, but my mistakes are forgiven by this supernatural blade. It is unfortunate that they were never made available here in retail outlets and then discontinued outright. I was able to buy enough to last me for a very long time from an enterprising young man in London. We started our relationship on eBay and quickly moved into a more direct relationship when I told him that I could make a large investment in my shaving future.
Fido, I am very happy for you.