Never tried Proraso - views on the red?

I have several menthol creams/soap and I have to be in the right mood for a menthol hit so I haven't ever bothered to try Proraso.

However, I see there is a red tube which isn't menthol does it perform as well and what is the fragrance like?
Performance is very good, actually excellent. Smell is not very strong and to be honest not very refreshing but ok. don't smell like other sandalwood soaps. Its something like a mixture of a weak woody smell and a wet towel left in a cupboard sort of thing. However still prefer the red proraso to blue one any day anywhere. Also Green proraso is not only a full on menthol, it is menthol and eucalyptus. Its wonderful very refreshing and clean smell,
I ordered the red tube as I love the green proraso, first thing that suprised me was the size of the tube! I wasn't expecting it to be so big! The smell like has been said earlier is an old fashioned type of smell not unpleasant though,lathered up like a good un,matched it up with D R Harris sandalwood aftershave job done, I really like it and will be using it regularly
Just got the red and blue tubes. I have the green tub and it's one of my favorites.

Tried the red the other night and it's great stuff. Will try the blue this week at some point.
I have never tried the red, it is on my list for when I next need a cream. Does this new version have lanolin in it?

The green is the soap& cream I have bought most. I find it unbeatable in the summer time. The lather quality is superb.
The red was one of my favourite 3 creams...until the blue tube arrived this week. Really lovely old fashioned smell, a little fresher than the red, plus that great Proraso performance too.

The only one I haven't tried yet....original Green tube Proraso. I'll give that a go when Spring arrives and the warmer weather.
As much as I love the Proraso green tub, it's a great, slick shave whenever I've used it. I know find I get a much nice menthol blast from a tube of Ingrams.

I may put the Poraso just ahead but for a super fresh menthol blast I think I've started to prefer the Ingrams.

There will always be a Proraso on my shaving shelf though. It's great stuff.
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