Nannys silly soap, web site down

Carlisle (UK)
Just went to go on to Nannys silly soap site to order more of Sharon’s excellent soaps, to find that her site is down. There has not been much stock on the site recently, and a while ago Sharon had some health issues. Presume Sharon might have called it a day. Have used Sharons soaps for over a decade, they can still hold their own against all the fancy do dah soaps around nowadays. Scent strength was always spot on and I never had any skin problems with any of her soaps, which I have had with some stronger scented slaps. Hope you are well Sharon, thanks for all the great shaves over the years.
I've just finished my last tub of Nanny's and looked at the website yesterday or the day before. It was still up, but "the cupboard was bare". A pity, as NSS was, as I recall, about the first of the UK artisan makers that I used, and an early maker at that.

I, too, hope that she's well, and also that she may be back in action at some point.
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