Myrsol Don Miguel 1919 - Subtle and elegant fragance - JASMINE

On Friday, I went to chit chat with my friends from Myrsol, and look what was on the shelf.


Fresh in @ chez JohnnyO, Don Miguel has arrived. First impression, the packaging is superb. The container is glass, not plastic and the traditional Myrsol design with its' indentations on each side affords a firm, slip resistant grip. The scent is classic Jasmine, fairly strong and you won't want to be splashing this on indiscriminately. Just a gentle application on the pulse points should be sufficient. I have no doubts that " El Senor Myrsol " would appreciate this tribute. It's a winner.

JohnnyO. o/
Fresh in @ chez JohnnyO, Don Miguel has arrived. First impression, the packaging is superb. The container is glass, not plastic and the traditional Myrsol design with its' indentations on each side affords a firm, slip resistant grip. The scent is classic Jasmine, fairly strong and you won't want to be splashing this on indiscriminately. Just a gentle application on the pulse points should be sufficient. I have no doubts that " El Senor Myrsol " would appreciate this tribute. It's a winner.

JohnnyO. o/
I assume you bought the cologne rather than the ASL?
Yeah, I did get a tracking no from G & C, however I've never bothered using the procedure. I just bung in the order and wait for the pleasant surprise of my parcel arriving.

JohnnyO. o/
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Fresh in @ chez JohnnyO, Don Miguel has arrived. First impression, the packaging is superb. The container is glass, not plastic and the traditional Myrsol design with its' indentations on each side affords a firm, slip resistant grip. The scent is classic Jasmine, fairly strong and you won't want to be splashing this on indiscriminately. Just a gentle application on the pulse points should be sufficient. I have no doubts that " El Senor Myrsol " would appreciate this tribute. It's a winner.

JohnnyO. o/

Sounds great!
Is it on the sweet side?
Not to my nose DB, however that's just a subjective opinion from someone with no great discernment in fragrances. It's just a clean, strong jasmine to me. Nothing cloying or sickly about it. For a cologne it's got good sillage and longevity. I could see this one being used for evening outings as against the more common light lemony or citrus scents which I usually associate with Spanish colognes. Very distinctive.

JohnnyO. o/
This should be the perfect match for Mystic Waters Jasmine a gorgeous scent. Doctor D, may I ask what aspects of the 'floral' bouquet are most prominent? In particular, does it include a strong or background rose scent?

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Not picking up any rose notes at all Nishster, neither on initial application nor drydown.

JohnnyO. o/
My ASL was waiting for me when I got home on Friday. Great service from Gifts & Care as usual, and very well packed.

I used it this morning and it's very, very nice. I'm useless at describing scents but it's flower-like (jasmine I suppose but I'm not up on my flowers) a tiny little bit sweet but far from sickly sweet - just right. It doesn't seem very complex but that might be my unsophisticated nose but the scent is lovely.
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