My take on a Kamisori

Thursday March 1, 2012
I'd had this blade lying around for some time, it was bought on Ebay but nis-described in that it was listed as a straight razor when in fact it's a microtome. Anyway, I didn't do anything with it until it struck me that the grind of the blade is offset in the way that Kamisori blades are. So here are some photos of the various stages.

I started off by marking out the shape and grinding or cutting with a dremel. I'd decided on a 60 mm edge which is the bigger Kamisori size.

Then polished off the rough cuts and marked where I would need to cut down the tang.

This is the cut down tang.

Next step was to rough cut the handle - Rosewood.

Continued on next entry.
They are excellent shavers and very comfortable to use, I remember dropping a Kropp on the floor while I was restoring the razor and breaking a small piece off the stabilizer, so I ground off the stabilizer completely then gave the toe a square point then added a hardwood handle with red liners.
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