My shiny new Proraso cream!!!

YorkNeil said:
Daily shave:
Pre - Proraso Pre-Post
Soap - Proraso Sensitive
or Cream - Proraso Blue
AS - Proraso.

Nothing they produce causes me irritation. Must try the red sometime.

what's the proraso blue like? i'm tempted to buy it but i'm not sure... I have the green and red! :D
Any thoughts on the soft soap (as opposed to the cream)? Been impressed by Cella recently and wondering if it's an Italian soft soap kind of thing. I know they do green and white in the soft soaps and I'd be happy to try either (or both)
WiffWaff said:
Any thoughts on the soft soap (as opposed to the cream)? Been impressed by Cella recently and wondering if it's an Italian soft soap kind of thing. I know they do green and white in the soft soaps and I'd be happy to try either (or both)

Do you mean in the tub?

I've the red white and green

Not to fussed on the white but the red and green superb
Sorry... I meant in the tub, which I think is a soft soap rather than a cream (if I've read the ads right). Soft soap has more of a putty like consistency and a bit easier to lather than a hard soap.
I quite like the smell of the white in the pre shave... think it's green tea and oatmeal, quite subtle. The green menthol is anything but subtle, but I love it... feels like yer face has sucked a mint! I'm also fond of Sandalwood, so I think the red would suit me. Got enough soap for a very long time... so trying not to buy any more for a while
The only problem with the white is because it is for sensitive skin it's a completely different lather to the red and green, very thick and heavy and needs a little more water and hard work to get it right.
Al H said:
The only problem with the white is because it is for sensitive skin it's a completely different lather to the red and green, very thick and heavy and needs a little more water and hard work to get it right.

I find this comment odd, never had any trouble at all with lathering the white, and the scent is great. Plus with it being in a tub you can always just give it an extra swirl between passes. I also have the white AS Balm and the scent is fantastic on that too.

Big fan of the green & especially the pre/post.
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