My New Boars

For my own personal reasons, I have decided to not use badger hair brushes any longer. So I'm now left with a couple of options... synthetics or boar. Well, I have a travel synthetic which works pretty well, it breaks down into a travel tube so that's handy. And I don't worry about smell etc. But I still needed everyday brushes. So I did my due diligence and focused on two manufacturers...Zenith and DaniDom. So I got the Zenith Blue Resin, Copper and Olive wood brushes. No smell etc to start with, so I soaked each brush before shaving and used either a soft soft soap or cream and a lather bowl. Because they're so new they are a bit of a lather hog. However, not scratchy and have a nice firm feel which I imagine helps exfoliation as well. Where they do shine right now is with my hard soaps in my Gravy/cream boats. Nice lather and you do have to spend a minute or two getting it whipped up. But I'm not in a hurry so it's all good.
There's also a DaniDom Endurance 22mm coming, had to jump through a few hoops but they are shipping to Canada. Currently they have nothing in place for posting to N. America. Anyway that brush is also a boar and is a two piece where the metal ferrule unscrews from the wooden handle. That was for disinfecting way back in the day. Looking forward to receiving that as well. As you can see I also have a drying holder which I cut the base from to hang on my small storage rack. Brushes dry better when upside down...the water instead of being drawn down to the knot area wicks away much faster in this position.
So far the brushes are performing well and will just keep getting better.
Have a great day...Cheers
Grand! Welcome to the world of pure bristle. This category of shaving brush will do you proud. There is a lot of variety amongst boar knots - my few seem to be Omega & Semogue, but I have a few vintage reknots which are all a fairly generic knot from Ali Express. I never fail to get a good lather from a boar and think the act of lathering up with bristle is skin-friendly.

Have a lot of fun!
Grand! Welcome to the world of pure bristle. This category of shaving brush will do you proud. There is a lot of variety amongst boar knots - my few seem to be Omega & Semogue, but I have a few vintage reknots which are all a fairly generic knot from Ali Express. I never fail to get a good lather from a boar and think the act of lathering up with bristle is skin-friendly.

Have a lot of fun!
I recently bought a couple of Omega boar brushes, and they stink. I think the bristles were taken from the rear.
This thread snuck by me somehow. Nice piggies! Water will wick into, and dry out of, the brush regardless of orientation, shave brushes have a flat bottom for a reason.
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