My feelings about "holy grail", "forever razors", "stainless steel wonders"

Agree 100% on all the above.
Jesus. I think you need to find a razor that works for you, only then you can spout off at others that have ..

I'm not spouting off at all, is this not a forum where we all have our own thoughts and ideas? Do you not spout off with your own ideas and theories? Well, as far as I'm aware, its still allowed on this forum, whereas like other shaving forums, if you don't agree with the chosen few/heirarchy.... your out, or not in at all as the case maybe. (see snobbery or elitism but you know where I'm coming from)
I've found a razor that works for very well for me thank you and yes... I've tried a hell of a lot. Just because I four pass? Yes a lot of us have to use four passes because we don't all have hair growing in a uniform direction like some of you. I'd love a two pass shave that a lot of you seem to get but its never going to happen.
I was pointing out to Steve that its not worth the worry of trying to buy a razor that he may not be able to purchase because of limited supplies and with a bit of sarcasm and humour to boot but you seem to have failed to see the irony and truth in my post.
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I run into this problem quite often; people can't see your tongue-in-cheek.
I run into this problem quite often; people can't see your tongue-in-cheek.
Believe me Steve, a lot of people can't see that they've got their heads so far up their own backsides (and other peoples). I prefer my tongue to be firmly in my own cheek and not up somebone else's.
Anyway, I'm off to try my new Titanium multi directional double sided SE. I just put the razor to my face and press the magic button. It then decides which direction my growth is growing and automatically gives me a 3 pass shave whilst also choosing the optimum cutting angle, all in a millisecond. Brilliant.
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I'll just stick with my Techs, and OLD types, and Super Speeds, and 1912s, and Shovelheads, and.....

I'll leave all the unobtainium stuff for the fellas who are never satisfied.
And if formula one cars had not been invented we would be back racing chariots. How's your subscription to Ben Hur monthly going @Steve lol. There will always be people who get something and say "This is it, it cannot be improved upon" and stick with it through thick and thin. "What is the point of making it out of Stainless steel, what difference does it make?"
I suppose they are right to a point but there are people who say No. This stuff may be good but I can make it better if I do this, or that. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve and wanting to use the new things that come out. As I said without research and development you would have had his reply in about 14 days if you were lucky.
I see nothing wrong with nostalgia, though some say it's a thing of the past
So I can assume you're using that brand new laser straight razor, and not some 18th century hollow ground steel version? I have no problem with the progression of technology, though I admit to preferring chariot racing to F1; and to the point of not receiving forum replies for 14 days (if I'm lucky), would anyone notice? Newer is not necessarily better.
No @Steve I'm not yet using a jedi lightsaber to remove my man fluff. You can bet though that someone is drawing one up somewhere as we bicker like children over the merits of new vs old.