Closed Muhle R41 Razor COMPLETE

RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Steve vs. Pass Around R41 - Round 1.

So today was the day, with a bit more time than usual before work as I have to wait for the Post Office to open before I go, the R41 came into the bathroom.

I had nearly as much apprehension about using this as when I first tried a straight.

So, keeping as much normal as possible I went for my normal routine

Prep: Hot Shower
Cream: TOBS Eton College
Brush: Neep 26mm Extra Silvertip in Kingfisher Burl
Razor: Muhle R41
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge
A/S: TOBS Eton College

"It's sharp this" was my first thought as I started the firts pass, and sharp it was. With a bit of trepidation I managed to complete the first pass with only one tiny nick on my chin. It was obvious when applying more hot water to my face ready for the next pass that this razor was doing a very good job.
The next pass went without too much trauma, but my face felt as though it had been through enough so the usual final ATG pass was abandoned.

A quick rinse off and I had an extremely close shave, with only a tiny nick on my chin. A quick splash with the A/S proved maybe there were a few more tiny nicks than I was aware of, but there was no damage requireing the use of Alum to repair.

1 - 0 to Steve this morning.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Sunday Morning

2 days growth today as no shave yesterday.

Back to the pass around Muhle R41 to see if I could tame it some more.

Prep: Hot Shower
Cream: TOBS Jermyn Street
Brush: Neep 26mm Extra Silvertip in Kingfisher Burl
Razor: Muhle R41
Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock SharpEdge (2)
A/S: TOBS Jermyn Street

A nice relaxed 3 pass shave this morning, I think I have found the right angle to use this razor, about 45 degrees from my skin seems to work very well for me.

One small tiny weeper, but nothing requiring the Alum block. A truly close shave, I've used the term BBS before but this mornings shave redefines it. My face feels absolutely wonderful. I think I may have to add an R41 to the XMAS list.

I'd just like to thank NorfolkDick for the opportunity to try this razor as I wouldn't have bought one without trying it. I think one more shve with it then I will send it onwards, it obviously suits me so I should send it on before I get too attached to it.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

I knew it wouldn't take long.

I have just popped onto Connaught Shaving and ordered myself a Muhle R41. I wanted a few other bits as well so it was worth while to get the 10% TSR discount and free delivery.

I picked up a TSR Blade sample pack. A tub of TOBS Eton College Shaving Cream as my tube is getting low, and a bottle of Jermyn Street pre shave Gel, as I've never tried a pre shave treatment, and that will fit with the rest of my Jermyn Street stuff.

I will get this one packaged up and in the post on Friday, first time I am likely to catch a Post Office open, so it will arrive at the next victim midlife_crisis on Saturday.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

The razor has left Lose the Beard unharmed and is on it's way to the next victim, midlife_crisis.

Posted today so should turn up Friday, I was cheap I saved 50p by sending it 2nd class. Still cost over £3.00 for Recorded delivery though :(
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Hi Guys,

THe razor has arrived safely, I collected it from the PO this morning. I have a few days growth so I'm set for an apprehensive shave.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Wow, what a razor. It reminds me of the Boots DE razor, there's plenty of blade with a motiving amount of danger. It hasn't drawn blood yet but I did take it easy.

Thanks to Norfolkdick for the opportunity to try this great razor.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Thank you very kindly Midlife!! Razor safely arrived today and I have to say that it is a real thing of beauty - almost a work of art. After a very child-disrupted night last night, I skipped the shave so should be in good shape to have a go tomorrow. I'm planning to have a dabble with a Rapira pink'n'blue, which I think is a good mix of sharp and smooth in one blade.

Looking forwards with trepidation!
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Well, first shave with the beast and I have to say that I found it very enjoyable! It isn't mild by any means but nor did I find it to be the famed beast and slayer of newbies that I'd expected. Perhaps having read the advice on here about the angle helped, as I was very careful to work out a good angle of attach before starting.

My choice of equipment was:

Hot flannel
Proraso pre/post
Proraso soap
R41 (obv.) and Rapira pink'n'blue
Proraso pre/post
TOBS Mr Taylor's aftershave
Boots no. 7 balm

I took my time about things but definitely found the razor to my liking - the only tricky bits were my top lip (not enough space under the nose to lie it as flat as I'd have liked) and around my neck where I have a few shaving bumps (as previous users have suggested, bumps are levelled out rather than moved over!).

The great news is that I was able to get away with 2 passes for the most part to get a great shave. I needed to go ATG in two places where I have some multi-direcitonal beard growth, but that was it.

1-0 to me, I think - we'll see whether I feel up to a second go in the morning as I'm off out tonight and I'm not sure a hangover would be a good fit!
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Hi all, well - sorry for having held on to the razor for a while, but after stripping a bit of flesh I wanted to leave it alone until I was sure my skin had recovered. The wound is now healed, although it looks like I am going to have a small-but-noticeable scar... to enhance the effect as it is an indentation, they hairs are training themselves to grow in a straight line down it.

Anyway, I've had a couple more shaves. None as hairy as the worst time, but I think that I've been soured against it somewhat. All that each shave does is to remind me how much easier it is with an EJ89!! I have to couple this with the fact that I can't get away with a two pass shave (unless the second pass is ATG) and think that I'm glad to have had the opportunity to try this particular razor and to know that it's not really for me. That said - I prefer it to the slant and my open comb new: it's a good razor but requires a bit too much concentration for my liking (I'm dopey in a morning!!)

I think A-W is next on the list, so I'll PM him and look to ship over the weekend.

Re: Muhle R41 Razor

Interesting that you prefer it to the slant, I love the slant and can use that when I'm asleep. The R41 on the other hand does require concentration, and as you have found can bite.
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

I found the slant a much easier shave, but the end results were no better than my DE89 with a sharp blade. With the 41, although it felt like taking my life in my hands, the shave was appreciably closer after 2 passes (just not quite close enought to obviate the need for a third). I think that's the main basis for my preference :)
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

Maybe if I try this I will be able to master the Old type I have (and the one I am getting from Santa).
Can I jump on this bandwagon, please?
RE: Muhle R41 Razor

ChopperHarris said:
I found the slant a much easier shave, but the end results were no better than my DE89 with a sharp blade. With the 41, although it felt like taking my life in my hands, the shave was appreciably closer after 2 passes (just not quite close enought to obviate the need for a third). I think that's the main basis for my preference :)

I pretty much agree with what you say there. I do find a 3 pass shave with the slant will get me BBS, but a 3 pass with the DE89 will still require a few touch ups, but overall there isn't much difference between the end result.

I am the same as you on the R41, 2 passes does get very close, but not quite BBS so a 3rd pass is required. I do think the BBS you get from the R41 is closer than the BBS from the slant though, if that's possible.

Shaving with the R41 does seem to give me a longer lasting shave that with most of my other razors, the extra effort care and attention doesn't always seem worth it though.
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