Mrs M, she says........Noooo!

Well, had me a shave tonight and thought I'd finally try the Speick Cream & ASL i got on BST from John.

Shaving went well, but I could not put my finger on the scent. Admittedly i could have looked it up on BollockNotes, but i don't speak cock, so i asked Mrs M what she thought. The answer was, well, to paraphrase 'Eeww... no!'

So there we are, and there is no doubting her fine taste: Tabac & Old Spice get the thumbs up, that said anything else out there smell similar to Speick that i should avoid for her sake?

As for the Speick i've got left, looks like the girls at work will be getting the benefit - f'nar!!
Different strokes for different folks!! I really love the aftershave, its got a nice "spring" freshness to it, thats the closest I can get to cock talk have no idea what base or high notes are.

Not tried the cream though. The aftershave I can just wear on its own without a balm afterwards as it really feels like its doing some good.
If you chuck it put it in an envelope to me first ;) ;)
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