More painful than shaving itself!

What with my rationale being money saving... I thought I would price the first ten days of capital expenditure.

Object D'Art - Brand & model - Price
Safety razor #1- Wilkinson - £5.05
Shaving oil - King of the Shaves - £3.89
Safety razor #2 - Edwin Jagger D89bl - £23.70
Spare blades - 10 Feather Hi-Stainless - £4.90
Blade selection - 15x 5 DE Mixed - £5.49
Brush - Vulvix 404 Grovesnor - £12.99
Shaving bowl - Stainless S. - £3.99
Straight razor - Thiers Issard Basic Black - £46.00
Strop - Striech-Riemen paddle - £14.20
Shaving cream - Proraso cream (Green) - £5.95
Total - £126.16

Todays shave will be costing me £12.62 in materiel costs. R & D costs like any worthwhile innovative exploit will never be properly recouped. Labour costs are sunken. I think I need to be shaving daily with this gear for about twelve months for me to be 'financially' ahead. Funny thing is... I have put this onto a spread sheet and will continue to monitor my progress, honing will play a part soon I suspect :s
Ooh! flexing ones financial literacy. Factor in opportunity cost and depreciation and you may well consider the problem from an average rate of return or weighted average cost of capital perspective, that aside its money out of the pocket today which wont be going back in tomorrow... which ever way you wish to cut it :)
You could have just went with the cheaper option -

Safety razor #1- Wilkinson - £5.05
Spare blades - 10 Feather Hi-Stainless - £4.90
Brush - Vulvix 404 Grovesnor - £12.99
Shaving cream - Proraso cream (Green) - £5.95

Might have been less painful?
That was plan A. But as Von Moltke famously said.... 'No plan survives contact with the enemy' (paraphrased by me and numerous others).
My original plan suffered few damages I must admit:

Brush:Omega 49 - £7.5
Shaving cream: Denim - £1.08
Shaving soap: Palmolive stick -£0.50
Razor:pearl SSH01 - £11
Blades: 20 Astra SP, 30 Super-Max SS and an ecletic mix Piffed from generous members here- about £4
After Shave: Aqua Velva - £6 (from MedicalBlue on Ebay)

Tot: £30.08

Damages Suffered (So far):

H&B Salt of the earth Alum stick: £3.5
MWF soap:£5.9
Old Grooming kit from ebay with a nice 1946 4 piece Gillete Tech: £5.01
TOBS Avocado + Cyril R. Salter Bristle & Badger Shaving Brush £12.9

TAD (Total accumulated damage):£27
jeepie said:
Are you telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth too since a TI Basic Black retails at £88.58?

Ah! the shifting burden of proof, got me there....


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Okeydokey said:
Ooh! flexing ones financial literacy. Factor in opportunity cost and depreciation and you may well consider the problem from an average rate of return or weighted average cost of capital perspective, that aside its money out of the pocket today which wont be going back in tomorrow... which ever way you wish to cut it :) which case how do you intend to be "financially" ahead after 12 months?
Rapidly approaching £400 myself since Nov 13.

( A drop in the ocean compared to some others here, if they're honest ;~) )

Time to start listing on BST I think, I just can't decide on what to let go, if anything !!

I tidied up my shaving " drawer " earlier last week, mentally noting that I'll not need anything for a while.. but alas, it seems I fing myself awaiting another OC Gillette and an answer on a Weber !!
How tedious...
I guess you are alluding to the question of whether an optimal capital structure exists? Well... 'financially ahead' embraces the notion of cost of capital as a fundamental determinant of market value, since its cost of capital that is used as the discount rate in investment appraisal methods such as net present value and internal rates of return or ARR and WACC as previously stated. You might be better served or even 'want' to consider a net (emphasis here is on 'net' btw!) income approach. Although Miller and Modigaliani's theories have been variously modified and generally apply to property (land as opposed to chattels) they are a useful starting point if you are interested. You really are at an advantage here because you do not need to consider tax using their models, which doesn't appear until much later in their work anyway, so you will have saved yourself some time. Try Googling or Wiki-ing them!

Oh! and by the way, I'm better at law to be honest
Okeydokey said:
How tedious...
I guess you are alluding to the question of whether an optimal capital structure exists? Well... 'financially ahead' embraces the notion of cost of capital as a fundamental determinant of market value, since its cost of capital that is used as the discount rate in investment appraisal methods such as net present value and internal rates of return or ARR and WACC as previously stated. You might be better served or even 'want' to consider a net (emphasis here is on 'net' btw!) income approach. Although Miller and Modigaliani's theories have been variously modified and generally apply to property (land as opposed to chattels) they are a useful starting point if you are interested. You really are at an advantage here because you do not need to consider tax using their models, which doesn't appear until much later in their work anyway, so you will have saved yourself some time. Try Googling or Wiki-ing them!

Oh! and by the way, I'm better at law to be honest

Now you won't find me and Antdad agreeing on many things just lately, but, despite your post above, his original assessment is spot on - dividing what you have spent over a 10 day period does not mean it has cost you one tenth - or am I missing something?

By the way, I work with the fincial measurements you mention every day - so there's no need to go into any further discourse on their meaning.:icon_razz::icon_surprised:
Could be worse. Go on a soap binge, try out most of the stainless DE razors, buy a few custom stainless handles, buy a few old razors and send them off to be re-plated... And I'm not even the worst here.
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