Mitchell's Wool Fat irritation

I couldn't resist sampling some of the legendary MWF soap. It made for an interesting experience.

Lathered up with no problem - mind you, our water's reasonably soft. Rich, generous lather and a really nice, smooth shave, but after rinsing off and drying, my face felt a bit hot and "stingy" - and for an hour or two after my skin felt kind of "tight" on my face: :oops: not pleasant. Tried it the following day - same result, possibly more irritation. I switched back to a different soap for a couple of days, and my after-shaving experience became fresh, cool and normal feeling. Just one more go with "The Fat" this morning to be sure, and yes, the irritation's definitely back... :oops:


So I have a used 3 times puck of MWF soap on my hands - still, at least the ceramic bowl looks kind of nice, and I could use that for another soap...
MandoBear said:
So I have a used 3 times puck of MWF soap on my hands - still, at least the ceramic bowl looks kind of nice, and I could use that for another soap...

If you want to trade it for something else, or a few bits and pieces, let me know, I can send you a good selection of stuff.

Its a pity. I tried the "fat" last week and really enjoyed the shave then like you got the itchy feeling etc, left it a few days and tried again Same thing :(

So now looking for a nice soap to put in my MWF bowl ( which is quite nice actually ) that doesnt contain lanolin.

Any ideas???
FrenchBlade said:
MandoBear said:
So I have a used 3 times puck of MWF soap on my hands - still, at least the ceramic bowl looks kind of nice, and I could use that for another soap...

If you want to trade it for something else, or a few bits and pieces, let me know, I can send you a good selection of stuff.


Max, Thanks. I'm tempted by n1vlo's offer of the Nanny's soap right now, but I may well come back to you at some point anyway - I'm sure there'll be another vintage Gillette razor I'll want to try at some stage. :shave

I'm just struck by the kindness and generosity of folks on this forum.
Kind regards,

Thanks very much!

MWF also on way - saved myself an eternity of queueing in the main post office in town tomorrow by nipping into local post office near work.
jimbofett said:
Its a pity. I tried the "fat" last week and really enjoyed the shave then like you got the itchy feeling etc, left it a few days and tried again Same thing :(

So now looking for a nice soap to put in my MWF bowl ( which is quite nice actually ) that doesnt contain lanolin.

Any ideas???

I like Trumper's Limes soap - I have an old ceramic Boots Shaving Soap bowl, and it's a nice "press-fit" into that, and I think the MWF bowl is a similar kind of size (I would have checked for you, but I've just posted the MWF off to n1vlo). The Trumper's is a little bit soft, so the edges should deform a little to fit the bowl.
I got exactly the same thing. I'm pretty sure it is the lanolin in it, shame as it was a good soap.

I now use Tabac,Irisch Moos and good old Palmolive stick.
It's good to hear that others have a similar issue as me when it comes to MWF/Kent.

I also got the itchiness and a slight tightening, followed by a round of my favourite shaving-related woes: ingrown hairs. :evil:

I' had an even worse reaction to Musgo Real which is also lanolin-rich. However, the Creed soaps also contain lanolin but I get very little or no irritation to them (Original Vetiver version). The Creed is one of my favourites and I've used it as my Sunday soap for some time. Strange, but true. I guess the lanolin in it is less than Musgo or MWF's quantity...
This really is a divisive soap. You either love it or hate it - there is no middle ground!

I love the idea of the soap on paper, but in practice it's the most finicky, temperamental soap I've tried to date (and I've tried a lot!)

I really wish it worked for me. I gave up and moved on, there are plenty more soaps out there that are equal or even better in terms of skincare. Try the French Shea soaps such as Institute Karite or my favourite, Provence Santé! :mrgreen:

i must be one of the "chosen" bother at all...lathers profusely and silky smooth finish

DUMP YER OLD FAT HERE.... :hungrig
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