Mint condition Gem

I'm definitely going to try this globalm...I tend towards the least aggressive razors and blades and the lowest possible settings on adjustable razors...if this thread has moved you to try your Featherweight again and your response has moved me to try stropping the Gem blade, then that's what it's all about! Let me know how it goes
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i love my featherweight and my schick injector but apart from the looks am i right in thinking that claymore wont give me a better shave than either that is the only thing stopping me from buying one plus i want some new brake lines for me motor cycle
all the best
I own all three , 2 or 3 Gem's , several Schicks and 2 Claymore's , sorry to say that the Claymore out shave's the other 2 by a large margin IMO. For me it is down to the Feather Artist Club blade's used in the Claymore and the heft of the razor itself , give's a superior shave , again IMO .