Mini macs

Big.Dave said:
If you have never used a mac before you'll be in for a treat. Apple has online how to videos on there site if you get stuck with anything. if you have lots of photos Iphoto will make short work of sorting them out with the facial recognition software once you've sorted them try viewing a few in a slide show then you will understand what the difference's between mac's and pc's are.

unfortunately theres no built in word processor but Apples version pages is fantastic and costs only £14 and makes ms word look over priced and out of date. if your are skint though there's open office for mac will do the trick its not pretty but it works.

Have fun now.

I'm sure I can run to £14, but it will eat in to the shaving budget !!!!

I have used open office in the past, but on windows. At the moment I have MS Office which only cost £9.00 as SWMBO works for the NHS. Unfortunately they no longer have the deal with Microsoft or I would be getting Office for Mac.

Most of my documents are Scouting related stuff, where I'm a leader I keep my badge planning records to run on a rolling two year basis. I'll gradually convert them over to something on Mac.
Mac do have their own formats which unless you are talking to other mac's are no use nor ornament but they do use PDF files natively and this is a format that windows pc's are happy with and is the only type of file in all my years of computer use that never gave me any problems. so if you have any old pdf files on your pc they will work fine on the mac. also when sending pictures to pc's you need to send them as jpegs not the iphoto format.

£9 for MS office is a good deal I had a look at todays price it's about £100.
Big.Dave said:
Mac do have their own formats which unless you are talking to other mac's are no use nor ornament but they do use PDF files natively and this is a format that windows pc's are happy with and is the only type of file in all my years of computer use that never gave me any problems. so if you have any old pdf files on your pc they will work fine on the mac. also when sending pictures to pc's you need to send them as jpegs not the iphoto format.

£9 for MS office is a good deal I had a look at todays price it's about £100.

It's going to be another learning curve. Luckily everything photo wise is jpeg and there are a few PDF files. Having access still to a Windows laptop will make the change more gradual.

Yes the MS Office was great at £9. It was at. The time a download that was also backed up by a disc in the post. Apparently the instruction was, as the licence had finished, that Office should be removed from everyone's who purchased it under this deal. But lets face it who's going to do that ? It still takes updates from Microsoft and clearly they aren't chasing people down to remove it. I only found out it should be removed as I was looking for the deal to get Office for Mac.
The ram is so much cheaper elsewhere so you did great as long as you don't need the extra graphics.

As the others said the website has loads of videos to get you started you just have to remember it is different to windows!
Try getting used to using key combinations, that along with finger gestures make for some seriously slick N quick working!
The key combinations are usually indicated beside the toolbar commands.
jaycey said:
Try getting used to using key combinations, that along with finger gestures make for some seriously slick N quick working!
The key combinations are usually indicated beside the toolbar commands.

I've been looking at them, there seems to be quite a few. I'll get there.
Well it's going well. I'm getting there !!! I managed to, with out hiccup transfer my iTunes over from pc to mac. That may not sound much to some but as I've never used a mac before its an achievement in my eyes.
For more security sort out user accounts and and admin account so software can only be installed with an admin password. also might be worth installing chrome as your default browser because security updates come through quicker than apples safari browser.
Also turn the firewall on in system preferences>security not sure why doesn't come on by default. The account should be admin by default.

Congrats on getting your iTunes over!
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