Merkur; Open -v- Closed Comb

Does anyone else find that, contrary to what many people seem to say, Merkur's OC razors are less aggressive than their CC versions for any given weight / style?

I've had a few recently; OC: 1904 and 25C CC: HD34 G and C and the travel razor. Whilst you might expect the HDs to shave that bit closer, I also get closer shaves from the little travel razor than either of the OCs. The 1904 is sold now, but I still have the 25C and that is very mild (but very comfortable).

So, is it just my face, my technique or are the OCs actually very mild?
Ang on, I'm not sure I understand you.

In the first line you say OC are more aggressive than CC for a given weight/style. Then in the last line you say the OCs are very mild..

The following two lines are what I've picked up from other people, so they may not be true
Merkur's CC is more aggressive than Muhle's (and I think Parker and EJ are the same) CC
Merkur's OC is less aggressive than Muhle's (Parker and EJ don't use it as far as I know) CC

I find a heavier handle makes a razor more aggressive. The blade gap, and the angle at which the blade is bent inside the head, and the sizing of the comb all make things different, however the handle is something we can easily change.
Aha. Right, in that case could it possibly be the weight of the handle you're using? If you have a heavier handle try putting it on the OC and see what happens? If not try holding the handle at the far end, which (in theory) should make it a bit more aggressive. I think the 25C is quite light, but long - although I've never touched one.
You are right, and I do have a nice Muhle handle to try, but even weight for weight I find the OC milder. An example is the OC 1904 v the CC travel razor. Still nice, close and very smooth. Just milder. At least on a day's growth. I have no doubt it'll cut through a longer beard more easily though.
I'll know more once I try the open comb razor you sold me more... there's more than just OC vs CC to consider, sadly. With so many variables it's very difficult to pin things down exactly.
Merkur's open combs aren't the most aggressive anyway but those 1904s have such light handles that the whole package is mild, like Halk says it's down to various factors but yeah, Merkur open combs aren't massive on gap or blade exposure.
I use the Merkur 25C OC, which is mild but gives a close shave. If I'm in any doubt about using particular brands of razor blade, I use thm in the Merku because it works regardless of blade.
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