

One thing I have never ever ever understood is the attraction to menthol. Why someone would enjoy the feeling of a cold and sometimes numbing facial experience....well it's goofy. Plus, it probably doesn't smell so good either when added to something.

You menth heads kill me........bigger the freeze the more you like it.

Pretty nuts,

To me menthol soaps all smell different obviously having different ingredients. Cold yes, face numbing, no, it doesn't numb my face at all. The coolness does aid though in reducing any razor burn or irritation.
Sezer74 said:
If you like Menthol that much, you must try the Vifrex dopo barba, clear menthol aftershave gel, amazing stuff.. that alcolado glacial is a joke when you compare to vifrex

444 is pretty good in this department too
longplay said:
Sezer74 said:
If you like Menthol that much, you must try the Vifrex dopo barba, clear menthol aftershave gel, amazing stuff.. that alcolado glacial is a joke when you compare to vifrex

444 is pretty good in this department too
I agree, similar stuff but Vifrex is stronger, cooler and as soon as it dries leaves a long lasting clean and fresh smell
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