men-u shaving cream from boots

Has anyone tried this. What is your opinion
This stuff?
It has got some great reviews

Men-U Shave Creme DUO PACK 2 x 100ml

I'll defiantly give that a go one day and a great price.

Alot of those reviews say it is great whilst recommending you buy other men-u products. I am not sure that I trust them all to be genuine reviews. Especially the one that says the men-u branded brush compliments the cream well.
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Alot of those reviews say it is great whilst recommending you buy other men-u products. I am not sure that I trust them all to be genuine reviews. Especially the one that says the men-u branded brush compliments the cream well.
Sorry that first link was supposed to be for Amazon but doesn't work.
Have a look at the two pack on Amazon for £19.99 it has 14 reviews.
Have to say that I wasn't impressed with this when I tried it many years ago. It didn't lather very well with a brush. No idea if the formula has been changed now but honestly for the amount of product you could get something much cheaper.
I was just wondering if it was more of an apply by hand and a quick rub and make foam on face rather than brush application. Best wait for some more wet shavers reviews who have used it.
Forgot to mention that I haven't.
I had a go at this one about a year ago at my brother's house as I didn't bring my wash bug, lather is about average, the soap from Boots is far better if you like proper thickness to your lather, the men-u was more like brushless thickness wise. If it was a tossup between this and TOBS at this price point I would give TOBS the go every time.

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