May Aquisitions

Well she has arrived. Fantastic Service from Shavelounge, in particular Anthony.
A well packaged product from Shavelounge, including a bag for the box, blade samples and an A/S sample.
Carefully unboxing the razor my face lit up when I saw it. What a beautiful thing.
I cannot wait to give her a run out.
Patience, patience.

Look what the post man brought in today?


5 meager blades. Much to disdain it is possible to buy 5 lone blades at one time, not 307 like I usually do.

Not had a chance to use them but I took one out of the paper wrapping and the blade itself is a bit sorry looking affair. I was expecting the blade to have numbers printed on both sides but one side is completely blank and the other has laser etching.

Sure the blades might be as they once were but it seems akin to buying cereal without a box, the cereal that sits look sad and ashamed on the supermarket shelf as it doesn't have a box.

The blade just looks sad.

Come on Gillette, bring back numbers for your blades!

They use the arrows for alignment now.