Making New Scales

west midlands
Morning All
I am really into straight razor shaving and would like to extend my interest in this wonderful art and pastime. So would any of you knowledgeable Gents out there,know where to purchase some exotic wood with the view to making some new scales,i don't want loads of it just enough to make a pair,and preferably somewhere in the west midlands,staffs area would be ideal as i prefer to collect it in person but don't mind going a little further if needed.I have watched a few vid's and would like to have a go.

thank you
regards tony.:icon_razz:
Look on the net for a supplier close to you. For instance Sykes at Atherstone carry a huge selection and also have an offcuts shop. Make sure you get a heavy wood that's also very hard - ebony, rosewood, cocobola etc are good for scales but not easy to work with. You will need some way (or someone) to cut it into workable thickness - say 5 or 6mm. Make sure you use a mask with filter when working with exotic wood as you can get severe reactions with some and they can also be toxic.
UKRob said:
Look on the net for a supplier close to you. For instance Sykes at Atherstone carry a huge selection and also have an offcuts shop. Make sure you get a heavy wood that's also very hard - ebony, rosewood, cocobola etc are good for scales but not easy to work with. You will need some way (or someone) to cut it into workable thickness - say 5 or 6mm. Make sure you use a mask with filter when working with exotic wood as you can get severe reactions with some and they can also be toxic.
Thank you uk rob
will have a search over the weekend.
regards tony:icon_razz:
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