Maggie Thatcher Passes Away.

RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

A cut throat that she sharpened on her inner thigh no doubt, I'm sure that thought will make her admirers go a bit wobbly.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Oi there Rob m8 ! Some of us keep our Doc Ms highly polished & are tee total.
And the last time I "popped my own cork" has been lost in the mists of my short term memory loss. I'm way too busy now avoiding popping my clogs to worry 'bout corks.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Boab said:
Definitely a case of double standards here, I would write to my MP if I were you.

I did says he will get back to me when he sobers up after the celebrations.

Though I really do think we would have been better off spending the 8 million back in the 80's to have someone knock her off. Rather than on all the concrete to make sure she stays dead.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

pedro083 said:
Boab said:
Definitely a case of double standards here, I would write to my MP if I were you.

I did says he will get back to me when he sobers up after the celebrations.

Though I really do think we would have been better off spending the 8 million back in the 80's to have someone knock her off. Rather than on all the concrete to make sure she stays dead.

The IRA did try.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Damn those elementary building regulations...mind you she did remove the standard for reasonable room sizes which means a two-up two-down can now be "redeveloped" and described as a five bed country manor for dwarves.

God bless you maam, I am now lord of me own manor.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

A (former miner) friend of mine said this which encapsulates everything I feel about her.

My first reaction, on hearing of her passing the other day, was one of unbridled pleasure that the world was finally free of this poisonous inhuman carbuncle who wilfully ruined the lives of countless people, who ennobled pure unadulterated avarice to an art-form, who indulged her bigotry and self-satisfied conceit in the guise of ‘political conviction', whose pernicious policies damned selflessness and compassion to the collective international dustbin and whose sycophantic funeral - full of state pomp and circumstance - we have yet to endure.

I am, however, far too polite and respectful of my superiors to say stuff like that while the wretched corpse of the Iron Lady is only just starting to rust in the bin-bag or skip into which it certainly ought to have been thrown.

So I won't.

He's often musing on things historical... in this case occupations seen in early censuses but no longer...

*Dung Boy..
This was the lad who swept up animal manure off the streets using a pan and brush. He then slung it into a bin. Locally, these bins were taken to a spot near the coast where they were shamefully allowed to pile up higher and higher. In time, the mountain of stinking ordure grew so big that some bright spark in Whitehall decided to give it County Borough status and call it Middlesbrough.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

I'm a little puzzled, whilst I wasn't of age to vote through the late seventies to early nineties, how did this woman stay in office for three terms, two by fairly bloody huge margins and up until she was kyboshed by members of her own party, mainly that low down Europro traitor ponce Heseltine, she probably would have seen a fourth term.

Just asking like.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

RB73 said:
I'm a little puzzled, whilst I wasn't of age to vote through the late seventies to early nineties, how did this woman stay in office for three terms, two by fairly bloody huge margins and up until she was kyboshed by members of her own party, mainly that low down Europro traitor ponce Heseltine, she probably would have seen a fourth term.

Just asking like.

My quick thoughts on that Richard. Our less than fully democratic electoral system (I think I'm right in saying Thatcher never secured as much as 50% of the vote). Labour were in a mess. A (then as now) predominantly right wing media. And, I know this might push a few buttons, but I'll risk it anyway...a lot of folk don't know what side their bread's buttered...any low paid worker, for example, who votes Tory is an eedjit IMO. Awaits brickbats :s

As n when we have to suffer a Tory government I would far rather it was under a one-nation type Tory like Heser than the divisive, vicious, destructiveness of Thatcher.
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

shavecraft said:
RB73 said:
I'm a little puzzled, whilst I wasn't of age to vote through the late seventies to early nineties, how did this woman stay in office for three terms, two by fairly bloody huge margins and up until she was kyboshed by members of her own party, mainly that low down Europro traitor ponce Heseltine, she probably would have seen a fourth term.

Just asking like.

My quick thoughts on that Richard. Our less than fully democratic electoral system (I think I'm right in saying Thatcher never secured as much as 50% of the vote). Labour were in a mess. A (then as now) predominantly right wing media. And, I know this might push a few buttons, but I'll risk it anyway...a lot of folk don't know what side their bread's buttered...any low paid worker, for example, who votes Tory is an eedjit IMO. Awaits brickbats :s

As n when we have to suffer a Tory government I would far rather it was under a one-nation type Tory like Heser than the divisive, vicious, destructiveness of Thatcher.

Still don't think that is a good enough answer to explain away three terms and what was looking more than likely have been be a forth. Does it have to be fifty pecent of the vote when the nearest rival is so far behind?

soapalchemist said:
You forgot Jingoism.:angel:

Not the very real threat of nuclear war, or the Fascist invasion of the Falklands.
Re: RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

RB73 said:
Still don't think that is a good enough answer to explain away three terms and what was looking more than likely have been be a forth. Does it have to be fifty pecent of the vote when the nearest rival is so far behind?

In 1979 they led Labour by seven percentage points. In every subsequent election they got a lower percentage than in 1979! The Tories were incredibly well served by the divisions of the left.

There was certainly never a time when a clear and marked majority of the populace were not anti-Thatcher.

As to fascism, let us simply remark that that certainly wasn't the reason that Augusto Pinochet's personal friend and unflappable defender took us to war...
RE: Lady Thatcher Passes Away.

Dr Rick said:
RB73 said:
Still don't think that is a good enough answer to explain away three terms and what was looking more than likely have been be a forth. Does it have to be fifty pecent of the vote when the nearest rival is so far behind?

In 1979 they led Labour by seven percentage points. In every subsequent election they got a lower percentage than in 1979! The Tories were incredibly well served by the divisions of the left.

There was certainly never a time when a clear and marked majority of the populace were not anti-Thatcher.

As to fascism, let us simply remark that that certainly wasn't the reason that Augusto Pinochet's personal friend and unflappable defender took us to war...

So having a percentage lead over your rival does actually count as winning.

Would you have allowed the invasion to stand with just a shrug of your shoulders.

Bloody glad i don't vote for either of them.

Scargill's keeping very quite though, wonder why.
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