"Made in England" Boots Super Stainless

I hope this hasn't been covered before, but I couldn't find any past threads or much information on other forums either.

I bought a razor the other day that came with this used blade:


I was wondering if anyone knew who made them and if they were any good? I obviously have no intention of using this one, but was just curious about it.

I found a thread on another forum that suggested another "made in England" Boots blade might have been produced by Wilkinson sword, but that one didn't have the "Super Stainless" emblazoned on the blade and they were definitely not sure about it.

NotTheStig said:
I did have a pack of these. They weren't especially sharp or smooth.

Ah right, thanks. They look relatively new. Would they be from the 90's? In which case it probably was Wilkinson Sword that produced them.
Thanks again. I've been bemoaning the lack of good old British made blades recently and to come across these just added to it! I was lucky enough to buy some of the Scottish PermaSharps from Hairsuite a few weeks ago and they've become my blade of choice.

Whether it's all in my mind or not I don't know, but they seem to last a lot longer than other blades.
You never know. They might come up again one day. Can't honestly say I've seen any on ebay but always worth a look, or set up an alert on ebay for "vintage Permasharp" and maybe one day you'll see them.
You could try Gillette Bleue Extra - they're very good sharp, smooth blades and do come up quite often on ebay. I personally think your Permasharps are very much like the best English Wilkinson Sword blades. And the gold and maroon Permasharps are also very good.
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