Lumpy Face

We all get nicks now and again, but what are the reasons behind them? Personally I put some of my nicks down to little lumps and bumps on my face which are difficult to avoid. I am now well in to my thirties, so my face is becoming weather-worn from my various expeditions to the polar regions as well as slaps from countless beautiful women. The problem really comes when you nick a bump and then the bump heals. But a bit bigger!! :shock: The problem areas of my face are gradually increasing so I thought I'd start a thread to see if anyone understands what I'm on about, and if so has a solution, however likely that may be. I've considered cosmetic surgery, but the consultant I saw recently just muttered something about "not improving on perfection", blushed and told me he had to call his wife. :?

Anyway, seriously, does anyone have this problem here? Oh, and I know stretching the face helps but I find that quite tricky. :shave
PC know exactly where your coming from. I have a small 'bump' on my chin that's currently getting a bit bigger when I shave over it. Think it may be a form of scarring?
I found face stretching tricky 'till I rubbed my non-shaving hand on the old alum block.

Gee, I thought I was the only one with this 'problem'. Thanks for bringing it up. Yeah, a tiny bump stars it all off, and then that 'area' becomes a problem area as it's shaved over. It takes ages to fix and then another one crops up in a different area.

Slightly different problem: I used to get about 4-5 really tiny, circular-shaped cuts everytime when going ATG on my left cheek. There were no issues with the skin there. I couldn't undestand why it was happening. For someone reason it never happens with a 'swede' blade.

In general, my solution is to get a good routine going. Routine is the keyword. This includes:

Face wash (even if it's just with warm water, especially at night before going to bed)
Good technique, avoiding problem areas and letting them 'heal' naturally
Eat healthily

you get the drift ...

I've done the above in various phases and my skin was fantastic. Got to get back into that routine.

As for the age issue, i'm not experienced enough to say. I hope it doesn't get worse as I get older. Perhaps it's not age-related as such. It's like people use to say to me when I was a kid: adults need less sleep. Now that I've hit proper adulthood, I realise it's nothing to do with biology! At this age you have so many things to think about: bills, work, family etc. You cannot possibly get 9-10hours every night with so much on your mind!
What I'm saying is, maybe take a holistic approach?

Then again, maybe we just have completely different types of skin.
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