Long lasting

If I remember rightly a certain other forum does/did a thing where you had to shave with the same blade for (iirc) a month. One single blade.

So if you went in for this, which blade would you rely on?
That's quite an interesting question - although I'd never want to stretch a blade out for a month. My weapon of choice would be either a Polsilver Stainless, Super Iridium or a Personna Med Prep.
7 o'clock yellow in my EJ or maybe a Gillette Platinum. I have gone about 4 decent shaves with both of those blades.
I might try a month out of curiousity and see what happens, would it make any difference to flip the blade over and swop it round?? Does anyone know?
Walkers said:
7 o'clock yellow in my EJ or maybe a Gillette Platinum. I have gone about 4 decent shaves with both of those blades.
I might try a month out of curiousity and see what happens, would it make any difference to flip the blade over and swop it round?? Does anyone know?

Palm stropping between shaves may help by realigning the edges. As for blade choice, I've not tried vintage Wilkies, but I'd concur with Father Ted's second mention - NOS Bleue Extras are superb.
It would be a NOS Personna 74 for me. Got 8 near BBS shaves out of it and could have gone for more but it was a bit harsh on my skin so I would jut do a gentle DFS each day (that would also help prolong the blade) so I reckon if I was careful and di one pass shaves I could manage a month.
Not going to bother trying though
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