Leather boot shoe care

Ah just noticed that the link provided said that it will darken the colour. Not a bad thing, just assumed it may. I guess all brands will then.
it does darken but not a lot...and for work boots...will you be bothered?
They're boots for work, not work boots. They will be for being in the offices but will be in and out of workshops. To go out on site I'll get changed into work boots.
You could also use a more traditional dubbin, but really depends on how wet or covered in shite you're planning on getting. Also getting a shine would be really hard work if not impossible - unless you have a buffing machine.o_O
They may get wet but Im hoping not to get them covered in crap but its not impossible, oil, grime and such. Theres a lot of coal dust at work which tends to cover everything even if you cant see it, which is why I wanted some sort of protection barrier.
The she leather is matt, not shiny like other doc boots. So maybe that wax (link) would be the best thing.
To clean them, would it then be a case of using a damp cloth, dry and then reaply the wax?
Just looked and this is what doc martens call the leather in question.
  • CRAZY HORSE Leather
    • Is a waxy oily tough leather in brown
    • used on the classic 1461 and 1460 products
They may get wet but Im hoping not to get them covered in crap but its not impossible, oil, grime and such. Theres a lot of coal dust at work which tends to cover everything even if you cant see it, which is why I wanted some sort of protection barrier.
The she leather is matt, not shiny like other doc boots. So maybe that wax (link) would be the best thing.
To clean them, would it then be a case of using a damp cloth, dry and then reaply the wax?
Pretty much. I have a pair of Wax leather DMs, I just use DM neutral just to keep the leather protected from just day-to-day wear, but for something a bit more industrial I would probably go the AltBerg as it is a bit more heavy duty. As far a cleaning, that's pretty much it, you just need to get any oils / fuels off as quick as poss.
Pretty much. I have a pair of Wax leather DMs, I just use DM neutral just to keep the leather protected from just day-to-day wear, but for something a bit more industrial I would probably go the AltBerg as it is a bit more heavy duty. As far a cleaning, that's pretty much it, you just need to get any oils / fuels off as quick as poss.
Good stuff. Thank you for all the info mate. As you can probably tell, I tend not to clean my shoes but I've got to look presentably now a days.
Although not cheap, I have been using Timberland wax for 20 odd years and the wax has protected my footwear very well. To give you a pointer, my last pair of deck shoes were 11 years old, been resoled 3 times and still looked great but the wax could not protect the shoes from our Beagle!
Although not cheap, I have been using Timberland wax for 20 odd years and the wax has protected my footwear very well. To give you a pointer, my last pair of deck shoes were 11 years old, been resoled 3 times and still looked great but the wax could not protect the shoes from our Beagle!
Sounds like good stuff.
Do you mean this?

Although I dont have a Beagle, I'll soon have a baby, so protection from baby sick is a must ;)
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