Latest restore project.

Well they say if you wait long enough two will turn up, well four in a row for me, for sometime I could not win for love or money a razor on Ebay, but I wont break my level of what i think it's worth for no vintage razor, would have to be exceptional for that to happen, anway this arrived on my door step a few weeks back, the blade though stained had no rust or pitting anywhere, looked as if it had not been honed siince it left the factory, the scales looked a little tired, so I got down to it soon had the pins and scales removed everything looking very good but it did have a lead wedge so that had to go, used a faux ivory wedge from a scrapped pair of scales in my bits box, blade look so nice started off with 1000 grit, then worked my way up to 2000, buffed polished to a mirror finish, man she does look good, now the scales pretty much same treatment as the blade lovely, only difference I made when reassembling the razor is I have a preference for double washers two different sizes purely decorative, still looks far nicer in my opinion, well now the reveal I hope you like her.









pugh-the-special-one said:
Sezer74 said:
Very good job, looks perfect

Thanks Cem, I haven't heard from you in a while, you must have a fair collection of razors there now, i've forgotten how many i've honed for you over the last few months.

Regards Jamie.

I received the Christmas card Jamie and thank you very much for that, i couldn't send you a card because i am very lazy. Yeah i got few razors and i will send you few more for honing. I must say i am very pleased with the razors you honed they shave very good.
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