Lands End to John O'groats Challenge Distance Record

16/08: 6.94km cycle, 7.2km walk
17/08: 12.2km run, 7.7km walking round the shops.
Total distance: 1128.15km
Nice to have some cooler weather to get out in. I cut the run a few km's short after seeing the sky over the isle of wight, looked like a sheet of water heading towards me.
Back to try last week's aborted hill ride. From south of Ayr to Glenalla Fell and back.

Early in the ride I got dumped on by a heavy shower but it didn't last long. Soon the sun was out again as I climbed up into the hills.

At Glenalla Fell I leave the main road and head off down a landrover track. The highest point of the ride, about 300m.

The map said there was a path here! But I have to fight my way through the jungle. On foot of course, dragging my bike through the bracken.

There's a lot of psychology going on in a place like this. I'm literally in the middle of nowhere. A place where it looks like nobody ever goes. You have to adjust. Automatically I go into "explorer mode".

Number one: don't get lost. There's only a couple of hours of daylight left which cuts into the safety margin. I'm packing a headtorch (my front bike light) and a map so I would eventually get myself unlost again. But that can take hours and leave you exhausted with all the extra wandering around.

Number two don't get injured. The phone signal can be sketchy around here and slugs are the only thing I've seen to eat. With no real path you have to be extra careful not to twist an ankle or worse. There are small burns trickling down off the hill, often hidden by thick grass. You could take a step and suddenly find your foot sinks a couple of feet into the ground, trapping your leg. If the momentum of your body keeps driving you forward... SNAP! The golden rule of exploring off the beaten track: watch every step.

After a little while I find the next track and I'm bouncing downhill to Straiton and then home.

Today's run: 57km, 650m climbed.

Total: 471km, 1,600m climbed
That is what I had but noted the wall had started to shred and the rubber was splitting on the back tyre. Just bought the latest Marathons so hopefully all resolved and back out later.
Morning gentlemen,
17/08-23/08: cycled 34.13km, 14.4km run, 73.8km walking.
Great advice from McGruff. I've pulled my calf muscle a couple of times while on a run around the beach, It's a 5km walk(limp) home from there so it's only mildly annoying. I've got a 48km run along the South downs and down into Fareham planned. Step badly, twist an ankle and it's a possible 999 call, got to be so careful when your out without support.
You chaps are all roaring along, great to see, and well done to those who have already finished the distance.
I need to collate mine from recent weeks, I forgot to take my watch charger on a climbing trip so I only got half a day from it.
I did 3 peaks over a couple of days Asahidake 2291m, Beidake 2052m and Tokachidake 2077m. Two of them are active volcanoes as you might be able to see from the pics. A lot of the clouds are from vents. Both days started out sunny but of course, the cloud came in at the top and spoiled my view
Total for both days 25.6 km
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