Lands End to John O'groats Challenge Distance Record

A couple of days ago I headed off on a hill run planning over 800m of climbing... no chance Far too hot. You know those oven settings where you get a top heat and a bottom heat? That's what it was like on the steep bits. The sun baking down from above and a fierce heat radiating back up from the tarmac. Since you're only going at a crawl there isn't even a cooling breeze.

My bike: a Marin hybrid from years ago. It came with a swanky mirror finish alumunium frame which I quickly covered up with a crappy black paint job so it wouldn't get stolen. Slightly oversized tubes make a tough frame great for "adventure touring". My favourite kind of cycle trip would see me on the road for a bit, off down a landrover track into the hills, and possibly even a section pushing the bike across country to get to the next road.

I have a great choice of routes here, south of Ayr. Cycle tracks along the coast and plenty hills inland, if you're looking for some climbing practice.

Isn't it great to be out in shorts and a T-shirt in the summer? Step on a bike and suddenly you're 14 again

10/8/22 - 20km and 310m climbing

total 414km [and 950/8849m]
Today - 29Km

Total - 569.2Km

Looking over the fields towards Formby (famous for asparagus) from Hightown. Yeh, a bit boring but just wanted to show Liverpool isn't all pubs and pissed up folk in the city centre. In fact there is a lot of open country space at easy reach. May be not quite the Scottish hills and probably quite the opposite. If @mcgruff was to do his Everest challenge locally he'd still be at it several decades later.

just wanted to show Liverpool isn't all pubs and pissed up folk in the city centre.

Okay, it is
What I do have to say about this challenge is it is a great way forward on the diabetes prevention program I am on.

This together with some other changes in lifestyle have seen seen me lose nearly three and half stone since April and my medical at the doctors which gave me a wake up call.

Think I am nearly at Coventry and can't wait to get out.
Fantastic!!! You are definitely doing the right thing, preventing diabetes. I wish I did that but I missed all the warnings. My doctor never warned me, when he said I had a fatty liver I asked what I could do about it and he said "nothing, it's genetic" now I know that is BS. I recently asked for another liver scan, it's been 15 years since the last one and I'm sure my liver got worse before I learnt how to try to recover from fatty liver and his answer was the same, "it's genetic and there's nothing you can do about it"
I can't wait to get the liver scan again.
I reversed diabetes 2 years ago for the second time and I'm confident this time is for good. I made lifestyle changes that will keep me diabetes free.

Keep it up and don't let it become diabetes... you can only reverse diabetes, I don't think you can be cured.....

My next-door neighbour is home for a couple of weeks so yesterday we did a 103 km ride .... it was hard work, he is 24 years younger and it's hard work to keep up with his pace.... today, I will walk and play tennis with my grandson tomorrow.
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It was a liver scan which brought things to light. Fortunately the doctor actually did something right for a change. The thing is now they tend to look at prevention rather more than cure and on their 9 month programme I went. Hopefully I shall find out if anything improved later in the year. I can only but try. My family have noticed the changes more than me and that to me is a positive.

Plus the rekindle of my love for cycling being as I was very good at road racing in my younger years.

Life does look and feel better.
Right, seem to have got a bit behind here.
11/08: 6.86km cycled, 13.7km walked
12/08: 15.47km run
13/08: 24.33km cycled, 15.2km walked
14/08: 12.66km run
15/08: 6.91km cycled, 13.7km walked
Total distance: 1094.11km
My bike, should be shining in the sunlight if it wasn't for the fact Its coated in sand and dirt!
I don't drive so this is my summer, winter, on road, off-road, commuting and weekend bike. It doesn't get treated half as well as it deserves but it doesn't matter what you throw at it the only part thing that will let it down is me, it just keeps rolling(once or twice without me still on it)

And a big congratulations to you.

193km! That's outstanding

Amazed even myself. Sheffield and back in 1 hour 14 minutes. Then realised it was Freshfield.

Divide by 10