Lab Blue?

If you don't get your salon supply blades take note you prob never will. They had/have a problem with their labelling in that not everything is printed on the shipment label. My first 100 order never arrived and this is when you get the measure of how good customer service is when things go wrong. In this regard they failed miserably with robot-like responses and tried fobbing off whilst time ticked by to have a hope of any refund. They are cheap but so is their customer service. Worth a try but put lots of addressing in case they omit anything.

As for Feather blades, not scraping any windows at all. In fact they are great in a Merkur 34C razor. Need a light touch but nothing shaves as effortlessly especially the upper lip as they are so sharp and little in the way of irritation.
acer1986 said:
Tried personna blue today and gave a great shave. nicked myself twice though which is the first time i have done that in quite some time1
You've only been DE shaving for about a month - you're bound to get the odd nick. How often are you shaving & what razor are you using now?
Shemen Zait said:
Bought them from the same seller on ebay. Ebay no 400710404697 :icon_razz:

Shemen Zait said:
Bought them from the same seller on ebay. Ebay no 400710404697 :icon_razz:

Been DE shaving approx 3 months in all. Using an EJD89L.

Shave head and face every other day
Thanks Shemen,
Ordered some from Supplier mentioned. Arrived in 8days. £ 8.75 per !00 delivered.
Look forward to trying them,to compare with previous one`s .
Newcomer said:
It says "comfort coated" on the packaging. Is the coating PTFE or teflon, or something else?

not sure ,though Shamen thinks it is platinum. Bonus,no wax deposits on blade .
Great blades these Personna Blues from Salon Supply. I don't need to buy another razor blade. These will do for me for as long as I can get them.
People are talking about the new and old lab blues...... can someone post a picture of what the box looks like for the new ones as I can't find anything with the yellow band around the bottom of the box. On ebay I can find the ones which say 25% sharper but want to make sure they are the lab blues before I buy and try. Obviously if I don't like them I will PIF some on the forum

There is a link to them on the first page of this thread. Buy from there as you won't find them cheaper.
Yeah I appreciate that but for the sake of £1 or so i'd rather keep it in the UK if possible and also i'm one of these that gets put off easily by people experiencing bad service and the example on page 2 isn't just poor service its none receipt of goods with no refund or alternative offered etc so a little put off by the link