Knize Ten


Woburn Sands, Bucks
A snap purchase last week when I read some reviews saying how good this is. Picked it up today and on initial sniff it is a tremendous fragrance. Looking forward to splashing some on. Very possibly a winner.

Just done a quick look round as I'm interested in K-10

Les Senteurs - 125ml £107.50!
Aus Liebe zum Duft - 125ml £67.19 - free shipping
Manufactum - 125ml - £83.00 +£4.95 p&p (edited as original price was for AS - thanks Cubert)
cubert said:
It's £83 on manufactum. The £59 one is the aftershave.

To be clear for all you Knize addicts out there - I bought the 125ml After Shave which cost me 67 euro, worked out at £59 incl P&P. Manufactum £59 plus £4.95 postage....

EdT more expensive, but probably lasts longer. 78 euro from Aus Liebe, £83 plus P&P from Manfactum...

Given the text I received from the other 'arf today ("Why on earth have u bought more Aftershave?"), I'll have to run down my current stocks before further purchases...

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

dlegros said:
Just done a quick look round as I'm interested in K-10

Les Senteurs - 125ml £107.50!
Aus Liebe zum Duft - 125ml £67.19 - free shipping
Manufactum - 125ml - £59.00 +£4.95 p&p

Good catch - I hadn't noticed that! :icon_redface:
I have the shaving soap.

It's nice too.

More of the 'flowery' aspect of the EDT rather than the petrol / leather / amber.
Have been wearing Knize Ten AS for the last couple of days. Very nice, has depth, but not overpowering. Very pleased with it and I understand how it is termed a classic fragrance. It brings to mind the atmosphere of the reading room of a gentlemen's sporting club for me. I may have to get the Shaving Soap when I re-order...

Knize Ten is one of the best leather based fragrances ever made. Bel Ami from Hermes and Cuir Ottoman from Parfum d'Empire are also worth checking out.

Knize Forest is also worth a sniff.
Re: RE: Knize Ten

jds said:
cubert said:
It's £83 on manufactum. The £59 one is the aftershave.

Given the text I received from the other 'arf today ("Why on earth have u bought more Aftershave?"), I'll have to run down my current stocks before further purchases...


Doesn't she know that it's not possible to have too many fragrance products? Tell her I said so. I think you'll find that puts her right.
Darren said:
jds said:
cubert said:
It's £83 on manufactum. The £59 one is the aftershave.

Given the text I received from the other 'arf today ("Why on earth have u bought more Aftershave?"), I'll have to run down my current stocks before further purchases...


Doesn't she know that it's not possible to have too many fragrance products? Tell her I said so. I think you'll find that puts her right.
I know that you are correct, of course, but I don't have a death wish!

Maybe let me know your address and I'll reconsider......


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