King Cobra razor back in stock

Just to put some perspective on this - I bought my Classic and always had problems with it - the mechanism that drops down when you insert a blade is kept in place by lugs on either side - it seems that my problem was that the holes that accommodate the lugs were too big. The razor was sent back to the US by the retailer who supplied it and was really not much different when it eventually came back.

I have to be very careful when setting the blade and clamping the blade holder in position - on my razor it's possible for the blade to move and sit on the blade stop - this obviously increases the gap with the attendant results.

So, what I was hoping to see is whether the King has an improved blade holder - especially in comparison to my Classic. I have to be so careful when using mine that it's hardly worth the effort, consequently it doesn't get much use. Maybe I should have asked for a refund - perhaps this is still an option as I doubt I'd get a replacement. But if the King is a better razor, maybe I could claim one of those as a replacement.
I'd challenge the "a lot of duds" statement.

The King Cobra seems to have a rather low failure rate and the vast majority of owners appears to really enjoy the razor.

I don't own a Cobra but as far as I can gather there was and still is quality control issues with them and a lot of "Duds" have indeed been sold...More than a few folks have had to send more than one back before they got a decent one...

True - but all the duds from back then have long since been discarded. If there were any ...

Ok, keeping in mind I have been outta touch with the Cobra family for a while, plus a sketchy memory, and here's what floats to the surface.

Back when the Cobra was first made they were very well done with no real issues regarding plating or fit. Just mostly very nice reviews from what I recall. From there things evolved and over the years the razors have developed a pretty good track record to see what's up with em.

DB, I think Billy is right about the number of problems. Been like that for quite a while now and I would be curious about current KC owners reviews. Not motivated into looking around, but just wondering casually.

Heh, I was lucky enough to participate in a pass around with both Cobra types and it turned out the KC one used had a subtle problem that mighta affected the shave a small amount. I never caught it myself....sheesh.

Carl, I think you may want to reconsider your benevolent line of thought.....just a hunch.

Now this must be the which incarnation? How many runs before this last one? You gotta ask yourself if they are improved from previous versions and if not then why. Maybe they don't need to. It's a good enough question.


Anyone interested in something similar regarding a great new design and how that company turned out just needs to search for a looong Weber thread from 4-5 years ago. You would find this pretty jaw dropping DB.
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