King Cobra razor back in stock

For anyone considering a King Cobra size may or may not be a deal-breaker..or actually an incentive if you like larger razors

Here's the King Cobra next to some other razors to give a bit of scale to it:

Left to right: Blackbird, Gillette Slim, King Cobra, Mongoose, Pils

Me too please. Enablers! The lot of you!
Please enable me some more - I just gotta have me one of these!


Without looking at DB's thoughts I can mention how the KC worked for me. One thing I'm curious about is the fit and finish on the razor, as I have read mixed reviews in the past. I am guessing each batch may be different but can't say for sure.

Lemme start by saying this thing is a real fistful...can't recall anything else quite like it. Really long and large diameter handle with a material reminding me of the Black Beauty, except with way more grip. It ain't going anywhere when wet.

It's a heavy razor with the majority of the weight in the handle obviously, which is a good thing. Any heavier than the already substantial head and the risk of too aggressive a shave can happen. Even as it is, the bite factor was just a little too much for me, although I didn't try the Pro Guard blades which may have helped. I liked the part about needing zero pressure during the less variable to mess with which is good feature with that sharp of a blade. Balance might be a bit tricky getting used to.

Shaves like the Cobra, which means it's the injector point of attack angle. Same as a Schick basically. NOT the same as the Mongoose though.

The shave is effortless, with whiskers having no chance to defend themselves. They are toast trying to go against this whacking machine. Thing of beauty really. If it wasn't for that little extra bite I would want one in the arsenal. However there's plenty of people the KC fits juuust right so don't mind me. Oh yeah, you do need to pay attention when this razor's on your face.

If you've used a Cobra you will know how this version shaves and if you've used a Schick or something similar and liked it, you really need to try one of the two members in this family.


Once again, both razors need to be thought of skeptically until delivered and checked over.
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From the SOTD thread today:

First time using the very mighty King Cobra razor this morning.
Popped a Feather Pro blade into it (interesting loading mechanism where you turn a lever under the head which makes the base plate 'drop down' (while still attached), you pop the blade in and turns the lever and it's all secured).

First impression was the most obvious one - it's a huge razor. I mean the Mongoose is a big razor...but this one goes beyond that.
Second impression was quite a surprise: it is super easy to navigate while shaving including under your nose. It never once felt 'awkward' to use through it's size - quite the contrary I really liked it.
The handle is very grippy. Strong texture and makes the handle feel more 'utilitarian' than 'refined'. You will not slip when holding on to this handle.
I can see how it may not be for everyone though which is why you see so many KC's with a third-party handle on it. After one use I can't see myself rushing out to look for another handle though - this just seems to 'fit' the overall appeal of this razor. Big, strong and attractive in it half-posh, half-utilitarian design.

Now the shave was interesting. The Feather Pro blade is one sharp piece of metal. It did make me feel as if I really had to pay attention to what I was doing but even so I did manage to nick myself just under my lip and I barely ever cut myself shaving these days so there was a bit of a surprise/wake up.
It will be interesting swapping out the blade for the Proguard which is a blade I love in the Mongoose and see if that tames the Cobra a bit.

In summary: If you love injector-style shaving and big razors with long handles this one is a fantastic combination of all of those things. Luckily for me - I like all of those things.
This one is a keeper.

I saw these for sale before they sold out and definitely wondered....should I??? The thing that puts me off is the tales of awful quality that some have received....... If it were guaranteed you'd get a good one I dare say I'd take the plunge!

Looks beautiful, but I am surprised how big it is.... A beast, in a good way!!!!
Agree with your opinion about the handle.
I find it works perfectly for me. I have no intention of chaging it.

And for anyone who missed out and fancies lining the pockets of a greedy bastard:
Agree with your opinion about the handle.
I find it works perfectly for me. I have no intention of chaging it.

Hiya doin buddy,

Oh man, I remember the UFO handles being created back then and they were pretty darn nice. I actually would like trying one of those heads with a relatively normal sized handle. Whew, those looked good as well as changing the shave in some way. Rafael (the maker) has potential.......heh.
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From the SOTD post:

Things I learned today:
If you've used your Proguard blade 6-7 times or so in your Mongoose razor...don't just plop it into your King Cobra razor and take it for a spin...ouch.
Let's just say my lather today.

Tomorrow: a fresh blade.

Really enjoying my $6 A/S though - this is good stuff.

So in summary: the KC is one grooming reptile that can and will bite you if you don't watch yourself..and/or treat it well (don't feed it bad blades) - but if you do you're rewarded with some of the best shaves you've had.


I see what you mean. But putting a different handle on it would change the dynamics of the shave. I can do that with the Mongoose when I'm in the mood. I like the shave of the KC just as it is. Plus I prefer the longer handle.

Have you tried a Cobra Classic?
You might like the smaller handle.

I couldn't get comfortable with it and had to let it go.
I'm curious how the different handle would affect things...just to see what's up. Might be a little less bite for all I know and the balance might be pleasing.

Yep, I have used the regular Cobra also and liked it. Surprisingly I found the handle comfortable and overall enjoyed the shaves but just a tad more aggressive than I prefer spending serious cash on. Similar performance as the King Cobra pretty much, although the razors feel different during the shave.
