Kids Messed Up Hair Cut

Monday July 13, 2009
Hi all

I thought that I would tell you all what I have just done to my 13 year old boy. I always cut the kids hair before they go back to school. I have got a hair trimmer the gives you the skin head. Well I had finished and he took a shower when he got out I noticed that I had missed a bit on his sideburns. So I decided to touch it up however I had cleaned the cutter and there was no guard on it so he now has a bold strip just in front of his left ear. The wife thinks that I am some sort of c**t for messing his hair up however he just looked at me and said I might as well has cut “kick me” into his hair with how bad it looks.

Anyway I just thought that I had better confess before I get disowned by my family.

I cut my own hair recently in like-minded style. I asked swmbo, "is this okay?"

Her: ".... yes"
Me: "Well is it or isn't it?"
Her: "It's up at the back on one side, but no one will notice."
Me: "You noticed."
Her: "Well... your friends might notice."

Biting my lip I asked her if she wouldn't mind using the clippers to straighten it up. I felt the clippers attacking the part of the back of my neck that she had said was lower than the other part... strim strim strim... then I felt her move back to the part that she'd already said was too high and start strimming there!

Suffice it to say the hair on the back of my neck is now a good half inch higher than it usually is. I'm off to John's of Congleton next time.
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