Keeping track of what you use

joe mcclaine said:
When you find something that works for you, you'll just know straight away and throw everything else out, or sell it or give it away along with any spreadsheets, notebooks and diaries.

As so often, Vinny (not Joe) expresses it succinctly & to the point. You just gotta love him ....... in a very manly, close shaven type of way.

JohnnyO. \
I bought the largest sampler I could get from Connaught one year ago. Its different now, so I guess I have more blades to sample

After filtering out the blades that definately did not work for me, I made a nearly year long comparison of all the blades, shaving with each brand one week, then comparing to the last weeks shave. This way I could rate them internally and camne up with a selection that worked very well for me. These are, as an ordered list:

Red Personnas
Gillette 7 o'clock yellow

All others I am not using anymore.
