Keeping track of what you use

I was idly pondering, as one does from time to time, how people keep track of what they have used, particularly what works and what doesn't. I have a bad case of sample pack addiction, and thanks to the kindness and generosity of two gents here on the forum, have a fair selection of blades to go with the many many creams, balms and colognes which I am working through.

Naturally I don't want to just go out and buy everything I like straight away, cos you know, the next vial in the sample pack might just contain "The One"! Problem is then, to remember what I like and what wasn't so good (for me). So, how do you chaps do it? Keep the empty pack? Keep a wee black notebook in the recesses of the wife's linen drawer? :D

I have a 'blades I like' note on my iPhone. So far it has 5 blades in there that have really impressed me.

The rest, i seem to remember what I don't like. So far, it's only been MWF.
Speak to Konstantionos (N-Architect) he has half a dozen A5 notepads and various spreadsheets on purchases, things used, results, future purchases etc etc ;) but be quick as going by all the stuff he is buying lately, i think he is running all his credit cards up to the limit before he does a Lord Lucan, murders his boss and vanishes ..............possibly to Asia !!
I just get rid of what I don't like, I've sold or swapped everything that didn't agree with me. Maybe I was lucky but I settled on a decent setup quite early on. Trials ever since have either added to the shave den or as I say, been sold on. I don't find it at all hard to remember whether I liked something.

One of the members here (Konstantinos I think) literally has big textbooks that he fills in like a diary, it's quite impressive. A real labour of love.
When you find something that works for you, you'll just know straight away and throw everything else out, or sell it or give it away along with any spreadsheets, notebooks and diaries.
Dipesh said:
I have a 'blades I like' note on my iPhone. So far it has 5 blades in there that have really impressed me.

The rest, i seem to remember what I don't like. So far, it's only been MWF.

Would you be so kind a to share your gained wisdom with those of us that have none :D
Bemused said:
Dipesh said:
I have a 'blades I like' note on my iPhone. So far it has 5 blades in there that have really impressed me.

The rest, i seem to remember what I don't like. So far, it's only been MWF.

Would you be so kind a to share your gained wisdom with those of us that have none :D

Of course:

Blades I like:
Gillette yellows
Gillette super thin
Shark yellow
Gillette black
I have a spreadsheet where I rate the 54 types of blades I've tried. I published it on here dome time ago; subjective but people could clear the data out and put in their own. I also keep track of good and bad razor and blade combos.

My favourite blades:
All Gillettes
Bolsano Superinox
Must confess I have already set up a spreadsheet to track: blades, soaps/creams and aftershaves/colognes. Just didn't want to appear too anally retentive in the start of the thread :lol: :lol: :lol:


(not got a tracker for brushes/razors, yet :D )
joe mcclaine said:
When you find something that works for you, you'll just know straight away and throw everything else out, or sell it or give it away along with any spreadsheets, notebooks and diaries.

What Vinny said.

I have loads of bits and pieces laying around but when I look at my stash I have more Speick cream/stick, Arko Stick, Gillette Super thin Thai, Shark SS and Old Spice Lime than anything else there.

No coincidence that these products provide me with my best shaves.
sunburyboy93 said:
Speak to Konstantionos (N-Architect) he has half a dozen A5 notepads and various spreadsheets on purchases, things used, results, future purchases etc etc ;) but be quick as going by all the stuff he is buying lately, i think he is running all his credit cards up to the limit before he does a Lord Lucan, murders his boss and vanishes ..............possibly to Asia !!
FrenchBlade said:
Have to agree, Konstantinos is probably the man to speak to, he tracks his stuff better than HMRC themselves!
ok, just seen this
yes, perhaps this may help :oops: :lol:

this camera has become crappy but never mind anyway (compact digital with 24mm on the wide end lens though)
lists are actually not up to date :roll:
spreadsheet would be better of course
crossed-out items have been traded/sold/PIFed

Wish List (need to cross of the Boellis soap at the top for example):
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Shave creams:
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etc., etc.
pugh-the-special-one said:
Fact my Brother inlaw is a consultant psychiatrist, I believe he could help a lot of people on this forum! :lol:


The words 'field' and 'day' spring to mind.
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