Katana Handle

Thanks for the info on the Lord as I looked at one I have and thought it might fit the bill. I've found what I think is a Windrose razor in the vaults and I'll give its handle a try.
Okay, sorry; taking a slight tangent.

I have been intrigued for a while about single edge shaves but have struggled with availability and price. Your Katana beats these issues but how available are the blades?
Okay, sorry; taking a slight tangent.

I have been intrigued for a while about single edge shaves but have struggled with availability and price. Your Katana beats these issues but how available are the blades?
The Katana uses half a DE blade. You split them yourself (easy). Just bend the edges of a wrapped DE blade towards each other and it snaps easily. so.....you have a massive choice
Okay, sorry; taking a slight tangent.

I have been intrigued for a while about single edge shaves but have struggled with availability and price. Your Katana beats these issues but how available are the blades?
... or you can buy pre-snapped blades, often described as "Saloon Blades".

Ah. Thank you all. Not what I'm after then: DE in my Muhle work perfectly, I was looking into the world of dedicated SE blades at a reasonable price.
Have you actually got an AC/SE Razor, If so there are Feather Pro, Schick Proline, Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink. You can get info on them by doing search.
If you do not have a Razor, the most widely available are the RazorRock Hawks.
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