Just signed up.


Hi guys, just saying hallo as I've been browsing this forum for quite a few months and finally registered.

Began shaving with DE razors about 18 months ago after a break of many years, and finding that I can now really enjoy my shave each morning. It helps that as I'm now retired I can spend as long as I like at the sink. 'er indoors often wonders what I'm up to in there now. :angel:
Many thanks for the welcome folks, as to my armoury I tend to stick with Gillette, have a couple of slims, a few techs, and a couple of others I don't know what model they are.

What I'm into at the moment is trying out a few blades to see what I like. Suppose like many I began with Derby's because of the good price but have been learning while browsing this forum and some others. Not found my ideal as yet.
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