Just exactly what have I bought myself?

Ah! Mr and Mrs Canuck and Trainman - what do you think when you look at these photos?

It was easy to know this was the long awaited parcel -

What I was expecting -

Anticipation starts to crash -

What I got -

The nub of the matter -
It has stamps "MADE IN CZEKOSLAVAKIA" and "SOLUNA" and is made of some sort of aluminium alloy - light as a feather -

The empty containers -

And their insides -

So over to you, detectives, experts and refurbishers. Is there anything there anyone wants?

Sorry, Mrs Canuck - it was worth a punt even if it didn't pay off! Or does someone know different?
Oh dear,i bet you are slightly dissapointed with your purchase but all needn't be lost,ask dave Glynn for a quote on getting it all re-plated then look for an old grooming kit that has a decent case and rework it so your stuff fits.
