Just exactly what have I bought myself?

Can I have some expert help, please?


What have I got here? - well, assuming it is actually posted and delivered.
If this is a Gillette set, it has the handle and head look of a NEW Gillette. I searched Mr. Razor and couldn't find it, but you could take a look. I looked in all open comb listings. Maybe you could send him your photo and get an answer. It is definitely from from NEW starting in 1929, if it's a Gillette. Is there a date code under the head plate? Also, does it say Made in the USA or Made in England...could be French or German Gillette or Canadian.


I agree this is a beautiful set and I think the razor will shave very well. I have some NEWs and they are very nice.
Oh wow, thats a looker!

Not sure what it is, although two possibilities spring to mind:-

1, Its a Gillette Old head on a custom handle, possibly an Ikon, or

2, Its an early Ikon, which has been gold-plated.

The Handle has a definate Ikon-ness about it....

Let us know how you get on.

So not bad for £13.40 delivered? - assuming it gets delivered, that is!

I'll photo it to bits when it arrives - assuming it arrives - and post for your inspection.
It's excellent value at £13. It just looks right, a very proper, genuine gent's set. Fairly complete too, as far as I can see.

If it's all correct (which it looks like it is) you see similar going for 2-3 times that value. I'm just gutted I didn't see it before you, my wife loves it.
Please tell Mrs. Canuck that I am not deeply attached to it - assuming it is delivered. It was a frustration buy when I couldn't find that which I crave.
You seem very concerned over it being delivered or not,are your concerns warranted,if you dont mind me asking.
When/if it arrives and you really aren't too attached to it,i'm sure i could form an attachment.

An interesting Sunday morning poser - how to measure the degree to which one's concerns are warranted? You correctly surmise that I have concerns and only time will telll whether they are warranted or totally without merit. Now - how much time to give in case of non-arrival?

When/if it gets here, I have first bite, then Mrs.Canuck and then trainman.

I can already see that I'll need help with restoring the inner, upper casing.
It was reported as 'Despatched' two days ago.

Fear not, it will be much photographed and posted to let you experts opine and discuss, hopefully recognise (as somethhing exceptionally rare and valuable, with luck!).
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