Junkyard Old type.

Got this battered old type from PJGH.





A little beat up, but man can this thing shave! I loved it from the first pass. However SWMBO kept complaining about 'That piece of junk' in the bathroom.

She didn't give a hoot about history, heritage or how well it shaved!

So, a quick soak in washing up liquid and this happened. ..





I may have missed out the step that involved several hours of work with wet'n'dry...
It's come up lovely, the colours of the brass, steel and copper really contrast well. Shame my photo skills can't do it justice.

SWMBO just asked how bloody much did that cost me....
BigBoar said:
Got this battered old type from PJGH.

So, a quick soak in washing up liquid and this happened. ..



Ah yes, the Krumholtz book calls that model the Ball End Bloodsucker. Look at all those tiny pointy little bitey teeths!!!!! Paul probably gave you that because it's way too mild, with him being a truly crazy guy and all.
Mild for me :D

It's looks fantastic now. The beaten up look was quite fun and to be frank, the thin teeth on the comb is what makes it I reckon - loads of blade exposure. I've not seen another with teeth that slim.

Same treatment for the other two handles? There's a "traveller" and a "big fellow" length pair of handles in the set, too, the shaft made from simple brass pipe and ends battered in with a 1lb hammer.

Very cool to see, and great that you're enjoying the razor. It wasn't a favourite of mine by any means, but I had a real soft spot for it ... like a mongrel dog that's been through a good number of owners, had some time as a stray, has a lot of tales to tell if only it had a tongue.
Hey Paul, whilst the punk rock look was fun for a while the gouges and scratchines from the teeth began to irritate me a little as I really enjoyed using it.

So I removed the gouges, smoothed the teeth, which took ages!

It's now got a steam punk look going on, I'm considering moving on my ATT, it's that good.
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