Jagger/Muhle V Merkur heads

Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.
After my new Chatsworth head sheared off I have switched to using my Merkur 38C. I have had very comfortable shaves with my Chatsworth and was a little wary on returning to the Merkur. Took it more gently - result - superb, very close, yet comfortable shave with my skin feeling smoother and softer than it has done for weeks. If this keeps up, a new replacement Chatsworth might have to wait to get back in the team. I may yet give it a chance with a Feather to see how it goes. It's too harsh in the Merkur but may be ok with the less aggressive razor.

Perhaps it is a good idea not to spend too long with the same razor.
Fido, I'm a greta believer in rotating the squad so to speak. I tend to rotate on a monthly basis and have just come back to the 34C - I'm enjoying using it again after shaving with Gillettes for a while.
i have a trumper razor with merkur head...its nicer with the jagger head on...i emailed jagger bout a spare head and got no reply
While away I spent a week shaving with my EJ DE89 then upon returning went back to my Futur. I think that the Futur does the job better, even if the Jagger head is very good. I think you are correct that changing razors periodically is a good thing, part of the enthusiasm towards traditional wet shaving is that its not dull and samey! My next acquisition I feel will be a vintage Gillette red tip, but I want hone my technique 1st!
I have been away from the Room for a while so I was sorry to read about the loss of your Chasworth. Interestingly, I had a slightly similar experience. I took a trip recently and packed an EJ Georgian with an old EJ/Merkur head. Damn if I didn't give myself the best shave I have had in nearly a year since I switched to the newer EJ/Muhle head. Like you, I was particularly careful with my technique as I found the Merkur head to a bit more aggressive. I am not sure whether it was that extra care or the Merkur head that was more responsible. I went back to the EJ/Muhle head at home and my results were not so great. I have had some time off now and I have not shaved for more than a week. Now I am confused as to which one I should use to end the fast. This next shave could be epic and I don't want to blow the opportunity.
Decisions. Decisions
Interesting. I have continued with the Merkur and I'm still getting a closer shave than with the Chatsworth. I know that if I return to a new Chatsworth, I will apply more pressure, get a comfortable shave, but not as close as with the Merkur. That's why I will give Feathers another go in the Chatsworth.
Well I am back to the original configuration of my razors for keeps. My EJ Bulbous came with the Merkur head when I bought it three years ago and that was my only razor until I pruchased the Georgian with the EJ/Muhle head two years later. As I said in previous posts, I was able to switch the heads and use the heavier Bulbous handle which I preferred. I then planned to use the Georgian with the Merkur head only as a travel razor.
Since I got such an excellent shave with the Georgian, I put the heads back where they started to give it another go. I do believe that I paid closer attention to technique, especially in my tricky areas and that must have had something to do with the noticable improvement. I still find the newer EJ/Muhle head to be more than compentent and very comfortable, but perhaps it is just a touch too mild for my beard which is entirely gray and very tough.
I also have switched to a stiffer pure badger EJ travel brush, which I think does a much better job of lifting the stubble and therefore making it stand up in the lather for easier reduction with each pass.
Great hobby this DE shaving. You have a chance to learn something new every single day.
I will now be traveling with the Georgian and milder head because shaving in an unfamiliar place would likely be best served by erring on the side of caution.
I am still staunchly in the Edwin Jagger corner as my Merkur head was in fact given a bit of extra fit and finish in Sheffield. :mrgreen:
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