It feels raw (EJ 89 & WS classic)

I've just used a WS classic blade in the EJ 89. I'd showered and used conditioner on my stubble. I made up a lather of Boots cream. I did a three pass shave and afterwards used bloc alum.

The end result was better than the 5+ passes I've done with the Derby and Astra SS blade, but my skin feels raw. To my surprise the Alum didn't sting at all, I've put some balm on to try and calm my skin.

This is the first time I've made a lather with the cream, brush and bowl, so I spent a good few minutes working the cream.

What just happened? Is that the effect of a shaper blade, rubbish lather, etc. Any idea's


It could be the blade, however I wouldn't expect that the Wilkie blade is much sharper than the Astra.

If you are doing 5+ passes with a Derby or an Astra blade you need to stick with one set of kit and focus on technique.

As a general rule though, while you are getting into the swing of DE shaving it's a good idea to only change one thing at a time so you can see what effect one change has.

Stick with one razor, one blade, and one soap for now, and alter other things like your prep and see how you get on with that. You should be able to achieve a good 3 pass shave with either the Derby or the Astra.
Thanks for that. I realise I should only be changing one thing at a time, but a new shaving bowl was begging to be used.

I was surprised that the shave left my skin feeling raw while the alum didn't sting at all. I have been led to believe that a bad shave would result in the alum stinging. Just curious as to what might be going on.


Too much pressure I would imagine. Pressure should be minimal to nil; this cannot be stressed too often, let the weight of the razor do the work - your hands are just to steer the razor.

I've just used the same combination and it is so smooth.

Don't try for a BBS, they'll just come after a bit of time and effort.

Keep at it - we've all been there!
It is strange that the alum didn't let you know - generally even a slight soreness will show up. I always use witch haxel as well as (and after) alum - this is readily available from Boots and the like and soothes irritation as well as acting as an astringent.

The previous advise about pressure is the most important, but I would also question 3 passes at this stage - maybe just the two and accept that you may not get an optimal shave until your technique improves.
Took me a good few weeks to get my ideal combination of blade, oil/soap/cream and, especially, to fine tune my technique. I only went with the grain for the first 3 weeks and no more than 2 passes. I found that I needed to remember that the first pass only needs to 'reduce' the beard and that I didn't need to apply any pressure (holding the razor right at the end of the handle helped me achive this). In any event, would echo the advice to change only one thing (blade/soap/aftershave) at a time.

Now use my EJ89 with Astra Platinums and the Village Barber oil (with optional Nanny's soap or Proraso Sandalwood cream on top, just for a pamper). Smooooth! No drag or irritation at all - 1x with the grain, 1 x across the grain, 1 x 'touch up' in certain areas against the grain - tempted to shave twice a day just for the sheer enjoyment.

Couldn't get on with Alum or Witch Hazel - use the Village Barber balm and have found that my skin looks and feels loads better.

YMMV, of course
Like others I reckon technique is definitely the major culprit - it's a helluva transition from cartridge to DE. However maybe creams are not helping; occasionally I'll try a cream over my usual soap and hey presto exactly the same result - raw and sore. So, at the moment, I'm sticking to stuff that doesn't hurt.

BTW sound advice from others to only change one thing at a time. Very early days I kept a small note-book to grade different combinations until I came up with the process that suits me today.

All the best.
I learning that it's harder than I initially expected. The Boots cheapie worked from the get go.

I'm going to give the combo another go with the shaving gel I've been using to get a fair comparison of the other blades I've used.

I have already started making notes, using simplenote, very handy for taking notes on the go.
I've given the combo another go, using the shaving gel I've previously used. It was a close shave. While it was a smooth result with no rawness, the alum bloc did sting a bit.

I think this has been the smoothest shave so far.
You're going to get the odd mixed result as you steadily improve.

The gel might be providing the cushion that you should be getting with a brush & soap/cream, you need to practice lathering too.
I've been using an EJ razor for three weeks now, after using a Parker for a year. I noticed that the EJ feels heavier and after the first few shaves my face felt sore. Once I got the pressure right my shaves have been fine.
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