Is there anything matching with Arlington soap?

Thursday December 18, 2014
My first British was GF Trumper in the late nineties. Then came nothing, as tallow was banned from our lives. I used boring myself with a Tabac or L'Occitane puck; when first was gone or end (trash bin is a mystery for most sociology researchers...) second poked out and vice versa.
Then came the discovering of the world of soaps and later I discovered, again, that one soap has to match... with something out of the obvious.
And bought an Arlington, cause is the kind of soap /products you wish preserve from the present. I love British products memories more than themselves. But Arlington is a jewel to me.
My first will follow with Arlington was 4711 Cologne, as I read about this match. And is true, actually, the full truth. Amazingly match. Like the one existing between Creed Vetiver and Mugler Cologne... Thing happens.
Let me ask you if there is any coincidence that you know about Arlington shaving soap and... No Arlington products. Yes they almost match. Creed and Mugler...
Can you catch the spirit of the thread? Great. Thx.
The hard soap is definitely very drying for me. I have the Arlington cream also which is a decent enough performer as far as creams go but the main draw really is the scent. The Arlington aftershave is excellent and has a decent menthol wallop.
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