Is there a dentist in the house?


no offence meant or implied

My mate is a dentist. He explained that the heating up of the blood supply causes it to flow easier and therefore spread taking the infection with it. This is after it had happened to me

The doctor reference is when i had the same issue and Para/Ibr were not enough she prescibed pain killers

When you have a situation like this it becomes desperation

Chuffed that the op seems to be on the mend
Hi all

Well That was a hell of christmas. The antibiotics the doctor gave me really did the trick but I reacted really badly to them and have been ill for the best part of two weeks. This has caused havoc with my ebay stuff as my dad was meant to send my packages but failed. Ho hum.

The good news is The tooth is feeling tip top have root treatment booked for this week. The bad news is that I seem to no longer have any tolerance for alcohol I only have to sniff the stuff to get stomach ache and feel sick.. So heres to a healthy 2010!

Thanks everyone for your advice and encouragement I was in a strange world last time i posted. Its great to be back and in the swim of things.
Nice one Millay.

Being well after being ill is an ace feeling - like sunshine after days of cloud and rain.

Have a good 2010
