Injectors low down


Let's see about having a thread about various injectors....something you can point to when someone asks about those things. I can start things rolling but would expect lots of input from others. I know there's a bunch of people who use em and know the deal.

In a way, I sorta cringe when reading about someone trying or wanting to try an injector of some kind for the first time. It's kinda like using a DE, in that not all razors shave the same and certainly not all blades are the same. Yep, like a Gillette.

So there's a wide range of shaves to be gotten, and it can take a while to find the right combo. Yes, this is a real pain in the ass. It's also the only way to actually see if an injector is for you. They are a small commitment compared to learning the DE thing, but they will take a little time to figure out.

The older injectors like the E and G types have the most bite....quite a bit actually. Very popular with lots of members, although way too aggressive for me. Very light and with a short handle.....small bloodsucking vampire razors.

From there you go to the new head design with the I type. Short handle with a much milder head and also available as a Hydro Magic version. . This I type version also has it's fans. There's a few other earlier types like the F and the repeater that people have, although I don't know if they're ever used

From there it's the J type with what I believe to be somewhat similar head as the I, but with the longer handle. After that it's the long handle K types which are colorful variations mostly for women and some available with the Hydro feature. Then it's the L type, most often found with a black handle. Probably one of the most popular models (myself included and on the milder side. By milder I mean it's preset to maybe the 4-5 Gillette adjustable number and those earlier models go waaay past that.

From there it's the M type adjustable, and that adjustment actually does work (yep, like a DE). You get a blade that's a little too sharp, just dial it in and done deal. Certainly my go to injector. The handle design is better than average too.

Then you got the exotics like the O type, which were last sold in Japan till they went extinct (no idea when that was). You will see em NOS on ebay few and far between, going for crazy money.

So that's about all the Schick injectors that people shave with. Now I would hope people would add their thoughts. Oh yeah, there's a few other earlier models that people may or may not use, but you rarely hear about em getting wet. Also, Personna has a few injector versions and Gillette has one too. Oh, then you got the Cobra.

Blades........sigh. Not all that many choices for modern brands. There's some Personna and Schick blades and a few others I'm forgetting. Ted Pella gets lot of press that's worth reading about.

I revisited the Chinese Schick for one shave so far and it was good......better than I remember actually, I would say those would be the ones to try. Smooth and certainly sharp enough for me. Comfortable and forgiving blade. Figure to pay $1.50 per blade (shipping in that price). No idea how long this will last.

There are some excellent vintage blades and will take searching to see which are best. Some are extremely sharp, but not all are forgiving. Heh, it takes trying em.

When it comes to using injectors, it can take 5-6 times before everything comes together (assuming you already know the DE thing). Different weight, angle, amount of pressure needed....stuff like that. This will feel and sound different than any DE, but certainly not in a bad way. Using a very rigid and sharp blade is surprisingly pleasant on my face, as long as it's in the right razor. Heh, the sound is like a quiet whooshing.

When loading, you wanna watch to make sure the blade's not being dulled by rubbing against the safety bar. Go slow if possible. Sometimes you will need to do some serious wiggling around with some dispensers. The Schick one I used is all metal and gave a smooth delivery.

I will get serious opposition to my thoughts about needing to bear down during the shave. For the life of me I can't see how letting the weight of the razor do the work could ever begin to be sucessful. Just not possible. So there.,

Prices are always right for injectors, and $20 or less will buy you one in good shape. A little more for the later ones in better shape with a case, and a little more for an adjustable in good condition.

Ok, well that's a little something. Maybe wait for other stuff floating to the surface. Anyone got some handy tips about these things? Thoughts about favorites and why they are......that sorta stuff. Seems like more people are getting interested in em. Be nice to have everything together to just sorta get a flavor for things and what might be worth trying.

Thanks for the info, Martin. I've got a schick L on the way from the states and I'm looking forward to trying it with the personna blades I bought from Connaughts. This thread has provided some really useful information. Cheers.
Good thread, Martin. I suppose an obvious improvement would be to have pictures of the models you describe. I know what a Schick M looks like (late 1960s)...



... and I think this is an I...



... and I have this PAL from around 1955:
The PAL has a light handle and is quite aggressive, and some vintage twin-blade injector blades warn against using them in the PAL (reason not specified).

Hope this helps.
I've just figured out I've got a type E using this excellent guide which shows the differences between a G and an E.

I've never had a shave with it as I've never managed to track down a cheap UK source of the Chinese Schick blades, and I've never seen any vintage injector blades go for a decent price on UK fleabay.

Pics and links are always handy (thanks for those), plus any comments about personal experience is always good.

I've got quite a few injectors in rotation. I normally like a fairly aggressive razor to mow through my wire wool stubble. For me, all the Schicks give a great comfortable shave. The J and L types, although being very smooth and forgiving, require a bit more work to get a really close shave. The E type, and to a lesser degree the D are a little more aggressive but give a really fine shave. I find the jewel in the crown is the I type, and most especially the I2 Hydro-magic. I'm unbelievably on the 10th shave with the same Personna blade and it still feels like a new blade. Two passes with this little goody and a BBS is guaranteed for me.
I've got around 40 Schick blades but haven't tried them as yet.
I've got a minty Pal Injector complete with instructions etc. These were made in the Ever Ready factory in East Kilbride Scotland I believe. I found it a bit disappointing, extremely mild.
Again, YMMV and I'm sure others will find the complete reverse. I would recommend trying these Injectors at least once, the angle and technique for using them seem to come naturally and they are a delight to use (cheap as well)
Johnus said:
As with other brands:)-); I fing the best Schick to be the "C" repeater. After that model the become to mild for me.
How about a couple of pics of your "C" John? How does it shave, what blades are you using, is it boxed. Tell all!
majortom said:
I find the jewel in the crown is the I type, and most especially the I2 Hydro-magic. I'm unbelievably on the 10th shave with the same Personna blade and it still feels like a new blade. Two passes with this little goody and a BBS is guaranteed for me.

I've got a minty Pal Injector complete with instructions etc. These were made in the Ever Ready factory in East Kilbride Scotland I believe. I found it a bit disappointing, extremely mild.

To me, the handle's too short with the I type. The head's fine but that handle is ugh. Oh I get it! You like that I type because you look even taller next to that dinky lil thang.

I have a Pal adjustable but prefer the various Shick injectors. Even though the Pal has good weight and balance, the shave was just average for me. These razors get mixed results, with some people liking em a lot.

Oh, did I mention having a never used I type Hydro Magic with the case, instructions and blades? Even has the dummy blade loaded. of those razors in too gooda shape to use.

See Martin, it's the handle I like, it fits snugly in the palm of my hand ( at 6'6 I don't want to look any taller thanks). The head is nice though, gets right up close to the nostrils. Of all the injectors, the I2 is best at giving that squeegee action, where it just completely clears the lather in it's path with no effort at all.
Johnus said:
As with other brands:)-); I fing the best Schick to be the "C" repeater. After that model the become to mild for me.

Those are the heavy old all metal Pez dispenser looking things right? Seen em and held em in my hand but never shaved with one. Pretty odd things.

Then there's the metal F types but I rarely hear of those being used. Very nice looking though. Little bit like the Cobra.

Tall_Paul said:
I've never seen any vintage injector blades go for a decent price on UK fleabay.

The reason some of those vintage blades sell for a fair bit is because some of them can be excellent and also long lasting. Oh, I shaved with the Chinese Schick again and I like it as much as yesterday. A smooth and forgiving everyday blade. See how many shaves I get.

The Feather of the SE blade world would have to be the old Tungsten Personna 74 version. When I used those blades the adjustable got dialed down. Not far behind are a few others. Fun using the 74s for many people, although not for me since they are less than forgiving. Yeah, kinda like a Feather DE blade.
NotTheStig said:
Yeah I may as well delete my contribution :)

Please don't be doin that. You got razor pictures and you were motivated to post em. Thank you. Who doesn't like looking at those? Hell, leave em up.
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